The MultiPASS Suite for Windows 98/Me and Windows 2000 supports both parallel and USB ports.FFoorr ppaarraalllleell ppoorrtt ccoonnnneeccttiioonn:: Shielded, bi-directional, IEEE-1284-compatible parallel cable 6.6 feet or shorterFFoorr UUSSBB ppoorrtt ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ((WWiinnddoowwss 9988//MMee aanndd WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 oonnllyy)):: USB cable 16.4 feet in length or shorterGeneral SpecificationsPPoowweerr SSoouurrccee 120 V/60 HzPPoowweerr CCoonnssuummppttiioonn Maximum: Approx. 39.6W / Standby: Approx. 5.8WWWeeiigghhtt 22 lb. (with components)EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall CCoonnddiittiioonnss Temperature: 50° to 90.5°F / Humidity: 20% to 85%LLiiqquuiidd CCrryyssttaall DDiissppllaayy ((LLCCDD)) 20 ˘2DDiissppllaayy LLaanngguuaaggeess English/French/SpanishAApppplliiccaabbllee SSttaannddaarrddss Electrical Safety: UL, C-ULRadiation: FCC Part 15 Class B ICOther: FCC Part 68 IC,Energy Star compliantMMuullttii--PPuurrppoossee TTrraayy CCaappaacciittyy 100 sheets 20lb. plain paper / 10 Envelopes maximumInk SpecificationsIInnkk TTaannkk CCoolloorrss BCI-3eBK, BCI-3eC, BCI-3eM, BCI-3eYGlass SpecificationsTTyyppee ooff DDooccuummeenntt Thick paper, documents with uneven surfaces, photographs, small documentsSSiizzee ((WW xx LL)) 8.6" x 39" maximum / 3.15" x 1.77" minimumQQuuaannttiittyy 1 sheetPrint SpecificationsPPrriinnttiinngg MMeetthhoodd Bubble Jet Ink-on-DemandPPaappeerr HHaannddlliinngg Automatic feedPPrriinntt SSppeeeedd** Color Printing, fast: 12 pages/minuteBlack Printing, fast: 17 pages/minute** Based on Canon standard patternMMaaxx.. RReessoolluuttiioonn 2400 (horizontal) ˘1200 (vertical) dpiPPrriinnttaabbllee AArreeaa 8.5" x 11" paper 8" x 10.8" (max.) 8" x 8.86" (recommended)8.5" x 14" paper 8" x 13.8" (max.) 8" x 11.94" (recommended)Standard #10 envelope 8.34" x 3.87" (max.) 8.34" x 3.87" (recommended)RReeccoommmmeennddeedd PPrriinntt MMeeddiiaaMMeeddiiaa LLooaadd LLiimmiittPlain paper, letter or legal, 17-30 lb. 100 sheets of up to 20 lb.Standard #10 envelopes 10 envelopes maximumGlossy Photo Paper 10 sheetsBanner Paper 1 sheet (can print up to 6 connected sheets)High Resolution Paper 80 sheets maximumBubble Jet Paper 100 sheets maximum5533Appendix