Adjusting Color Balance, Intensity and BrightnessYou can enhance color printing by adjusting the color balance, intensity(saturation) and brightness.To adjust color settings:1 Access printer driverFrom an application FFiillee menu, select PPrriinntt.With CCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS FF3300 PPrriinntteerr as the selected printer, click PPrrooppeerrttiieess.The Properties window will open to the MMaaiinn tab.2 Adjust color settingsUnder Color Adjustment, select MMaannuuaall,then click SSeett to open the MMaannuuaall CCoolloorrAAddjjuussttmmeenntt dialog box.Click and drag the CCoolloorr BBaallaannccee slide barfor each color to adjust the color settings.The results will preview.Click and drag the IInntteennssiittyy slide bar tochange the intensity (saturation) for theimage. The results will preview.To use IImmaaggee CCoolloorr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((IICCMM)), see below.Under PPrriinntt TTyyppee, select PPhhoottoo when printing photographs for a wider rangeof tones, or GGrraapphhiicc when printing graphic images for crisper, cleanerprinting.Select a BBrriigghhttnneessss setting to determine how light or dark the image willappear when printed.IImmaaggee CCoolloorr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((IICCMM)) automaticallyadjusts image colors. To use ICM, click theEEnnaabbllee IICCMM check box. All other features onthis tab (except intensity) will becomeinactive.When done, click OOKK..1166MultiPASS F30 User’s Manual