26 Printing Chapter 3❏ Printer Paper SizeBased on the printing type you select, click the size of the paper onwhich you want to print. To specify a custom size paper, clickCustom or Custom Size. For details, see the “Defining a CustomPaper Size” section.❏ Printing TypeClick the type of printing you want to use for your document.• If your page size and printer paper size are different, click Fit-to-Page Printing (Windows NT/2000) to automatically print yourdocument to fit the printer paper size.• If you want to enlarge or reduce the printed document, clickScaled Printing.• If you want to print more than one page on a single sheet of paper(for example, to conserve paper for reviewing the draft copy of areport), click Page Layout Printing.If you are using Windows NT, you are now set up to print twopages on a single sheet.If you are using Windows 95/98/Me/2000, see the “PrintingMore Than One Page on a Single Sheet (Windows95/98/Me/2000)” section for details.• If you want to print your image as a poster, click Poster Printing(Windows 95/98/Me/2000). For details, see the “Printing aPoster (Windows 95/98/Me/2000)” section.• If you want to print your image or document as a banner, clickBanner Printing. For details, see the “Printing a Banner” section.❏ ScalingIf you selected Scaled Printing as your printing type, click, or type,the percentage to enlarge or reduce the print size of your document.❏ CopiesClick or type the number of copies you want to print.