74 Scanning Chapter 52. On the Windows desktop, on the MultiPASS Toolbar, click theappropriate scan button.• Click Fax to scan your document and automatically send it as afax from your PC (F50).• Click Mail to scan your document and automatically attach it to amessage in your e-mail application.• Click Save to scan your document and automatically save it in theMy MultiPASS Scan to Save folder.• Click Photo to scan your document and automatically have itdisplay in a graphic application (such as MultiPASS Viewer).• If the buttons appear on the Toolbar, click Text, Custom1,Custom2, or Custom3 to scan your document and automaticallyhave it display in an application you assigned in the Toolbarsettings (such as OmniPage or Microsoft Paint).3. If the ScanGear window appears, define your scan settings as desiredand scan your document.For details on setting the ScanGear window to appear, see the“Defining Toolbar Settings” section. For details on defining scansettings, see the “Working with Scan Settings in ScanGear” section.If the ScanGear window does not appear, skip to the next step.4. When the scan is complete, do one of the following:• If you clicked Fax in Step 2:In the Send Fax dialog box, enter the appropriate information andsend the fax.• If you clicked Mail in Step 2:In the e-mail message window, enter the appropriate informationand send the e-mail message.