Chapter 4 PC Faxing (F50) 63Setting Up an Address Book 4Using an address book can make sending a PC fax quicker and easier.When set up, the address book contains a list of names, fax and phonenumbers, and e-mail addresses for contacts to whom you send PC faxes.You can also use address book entries for defining speed dial assignmentsfor your printer.The MultiPASS Suite uses a Windows address book (.wab) file for yourcontact information. When you first decide to use an address book, youdesignate whether you want to set up the WAB file directly in MyMultiPASS or use a previously set up WAB file provided with Windows.Whichever WAB file you designate, you can use My MultiPASS to addand edit any contact information. If you choose to set up an address bookin My MultiPASS, you can later change your designated WAB file anduse a different address book for MultiPASS.To designate the address book to use:1. On the Windows Desktop, click Start, point to Programs, point toCanon MultiPASS Suite, and then click Canon MultiPASS AddressBook Profile.2. In the Setup Windows Address Book dialog box, click if you want tocreate the address book file in MultiPASS or if you want to use anexisting address book file.If you click to use an existing address book file, you will not have anopportunity later on to create a separate address book file directly inMultiPASS.3. If you clicked to use an existing WAB file, and the system detectsmore than one file available, click the desired file in the list box.