Chapter 5 Scanning 115• Show This Button on ToolbarClick to display the button associated with this scan destinationon the Toolbar. If this option is cleared, the button does notappear on the Toolbar.• Link ToOn the Scan to Fax tab (F80 only), this setting displays the faxdriver that is used to send your scanned document as a fax.On the OCR, Viewer, and Custom tabs, this setting displays thepath and executable file for the application associated with thescan destination. The OCR and Viewer buttons may be factory-predefined with an application bundled with your MultiPASSSuite. For example, the OCR button may be linked to theOmniPage application (omnipage.exe). The Custom tabs enableyou to associate your preferred applications with the Custombuttons.• SetOn the Scan to Fax tab, click to change the fax options used whenfaxing the scanned document with the Fax button. In the FAXProperties dialog box, specify your changes (such as paper size)and click OK (F80 only).On the OCR, Viewer and Custom tabs, click to associate anapplication with this scan button (for example, Microsoft Paint).In the Select Application dialog box, click the path and file namefor the application executable (.EXE) file. Then click Open.• Button nameEnter name (up to nine characters), to be displayed in the Toolbarfor Custom 1, Custom 2, and Custom 3.• Open folder after scanning (Save As tab only)If you select Open folder after scanning, the folder in whichscanned images were saved with Save As will be displayed inExplorer after scanning.