116 Scanning Chapter 5• Image FileOn the Save As tab, click Browse to select a location (drive andfolder) where you want your image files to be saved. The factory-predefined setting is the My Pictures folder in My Documents.When MultiPASS Suite is installed and there is no My Picturesfolder, images will be saved to the My Documents folder. If thereis no My Documents folder either, the images are set up to besaved to the Scan to Save folder.• Filename and NumberingOn the Save As tab, in the Filename box, enter the base file nameyou want to use to define your own preference for naming files.For Numbering, click whether you want to continue numberingfrom the previously saved file, or to begin the numbering fromthe specified number.MultiPASS uses a naming rule for automatically assigning filenames to scanned images that are saved as files. This ruleincludes a base file name plus a sequential number.For example, if you enter SavedScan as the base file name, andyou specify the numbering to start at 100, your subsequent imagefiles would be named: SavedScan100, SavedScan101, and so on.• Save as TypeIf available, click the file format in which you want your scannedimage saved, such as BMP or TIF. This option is available only forthose scan destinations where saving the image file isappropriate.• Image TypeIf available, click the type of image you are scanning, such asBlack and White.