Chapter 4 PC Faxing (F80 only) 63Chapter 4PC Faxing (F80 only) 4With your printer, you can send and receive faxes from and to your PC.You can also set up an Address Book, containing fax and e-mailinformation for people to whom you often send faxes. To assist you inmanaging your faxes, a Fax Log maintains a record of every fax you sendor receive.Before sending a PC fax, confirm that you have specified a unit name andfax number for your printer in the Device setup. For more information,see Chapter 7, “Fine-tuning the MultiPASS Suite.” (P. 147)Sending a Fax from Your Computer(PC Faxing)0You can send a PC fax from any Windows application that supportsdocument printing.The MultiPASS Suite sends the PC fax to the Outbox, where progress istracked until it is actually transmitted. If you specified multiplerecipients, an individual fax job for each recipient is generated. Oncetransmitted, the fax is placed in the Sent Faxes folder. A record of the sentfax is also recorded in the Fax Log. If a fax fails (for example, because ofan incorrect fax number), it remains in the Outbox until you attempt toresend it or delete it.You can send a fax as an e-mail message if you have a MessagingApplication Program Interface (MAPI) compliant application installed.The e-mail application must be set up as the system default MAPI client.For details, see your e-mail application documentation.