18 Installing and Getting Started Chapter 2❏ Outbox (F80 only)The Outbox folder stores pending and failed fax transmissions.Pending fax transmissions include documents currently being faxed,scheduled to be faxed, or on hold.You can manage faxes in the Outbox using the MultiPASS menucommands. For more information about managing faxes in theOutbox, see Chapter 4, “PC Faxing (F80 only).” (P. 63)❏ Received Faxes (F80 only)The Received Faxes folder stores received PC faxes. Received PCfaxes are assigned a unique name with a .mlj file name extension.Unopened received faxes are marked to indicate this status. Thenumber of unopened faxes is indicated in parentheses after the foldername. The name of the unopened fax within the folder is markedwith a red icon (in list view) or asterisks (*) both preceding andfollowing the file name (in icon or thumbnail view).❏ Scan to SaveWhen the Save As button on the MultiPASS Toolbar is clicked on, theimage is scanned from the computer and is usually stored in the MyPictures folder. The factory predefined setting is the My Picturesfolder in My Documents.If there is no My Pictures folder, the image will be stored in the MyDocuments folder. If there is no My Documents folder, it will bestored in this Scan to Save folder. Scanned documents are assigned aunique name with a file name extension such as .bmp, .tif, or .jpgaccording to the file format. If you have saved a picture and cannotfine it you can search for it by the file name.❏ Sent Faxes (F80 only)After a PC fax is sent successfully, it moves from the Outbox into theSent Faxes folder. Sent faxes in this folder are assigned a unique namewith a .mlj file name extension.