Chapter 7 Fine-tuning the MultiPASS Suite 155❏ Error Correction (ECM)Click to reduce system and line errors when receiving a fax. With thisoption selected, the system checks each incoming fax for lost data. Ifdata has been lost from a portion of a page, the system receives thatportion again after confirming that all data within that portion can bereceived successfully.❏ Listen Time Before RingingWhen a call is received, the printer checks to see if the call is from afax machine or a telephone.❏ Ring TimeWhen your printer is set to receive both fax and telephone calls, itrings to inform you of an incoming telephone call. If you do not pickup the telephone receiver within a certain amount of time, the printerstops ringing. Click to set the appropriate amount of time the printershould ring.❏ Ring ToneClick to set the volume level of the ring tone.❏ Default Action If No Answer to TelephoneClick Receive if you want the printer to handle an incoming call,detected as a telephone call that is not answered, as an incoming fax.If no fax is received, the line is then disconnected. If you set thisoption to Disconnect, the printer automatically disconnects theunanswered call, without switching to try and receive a fax.❏ Manual/Auto SwitchTo prevent missing incoming documents when the printer is set tomanual receiving, click to set the unit to automatically answer thephone and switch to automatic. The unit can receive the incoming faxafter the specified ring time (the number of seconds you specify).❏ Remote ReceiveClick so that you can set the printer, from a telephone extension, toreceive a fax if an incoming call is ringing on the printer. If you selectthis option, you must assign a remote identification number thatsignals the printer to receive the fax.