.................................._14 (rewind) button..................I_1_ (fast forward) buttoni',/__ .'StO " button<_',_......................................I_/11 (play/pause)button1_/11 (Playback Pause)To pause playback, press the I_/11 button during normal playback.I_1_ (Fast Forward Playback) / 41_1(Rewind Playback)Plays back the tape at 9.5 times normal speed (forward or reverse). Pressand hold thebutton during normal playback or fast forward.-/4111 (Reverse Playback)Press the button on the wireless controller during normal playback. Press the II_ (play)button to return to normal playback.+/111_ (Frame Advance) / -/411 (Frame Reverse)Plays back frame-by-frame. Press the button on the wireless controller repeatedlyduring playback pause. Press and hold it to play back continuous frame advance/framereverse.SLOW I* (Slow Forward)/(Slow Reverse)Plays back at about 1/3 normal speed. Pressthe button on the wireless controllerduring normal or reverse playback. Press the II_ (play) button to return to normalplayback.x 2 (Forward x2 Playback)/(Reverse x2 Playback)Plays back at 2 times normal speed. Press the button on the wireless controller duringnormal or reverse playback. Press the I1_ (play) button to return to normal playback.;b There is no sound during special playback.;b The picture may become distorted during some special playback modes.0 The camcorder stops the tape automatically after 5 minutes in playback pausemode to protect tape and video heads.34