Returning to a Pre.marked PositionIf you wish to return to a particular scenelater, mark the point with the zero setmemory and the tape will stop at that pointwhen you rewind/fast forward the tape.This function is operated with the wirelesscontroller.ZERO SET '_MEMORYbuttonA_]o_ REW,4 button..... PLAY• button_]oo c ........STOP• buttonI C:!!!:!! ! Ciiiiiiii!!i!i!ii! !!!i1. Press the ZERO SET MEMORY button at the pointyou wish to return to later.• "0:00:00 I_1, appears.• To cancel, press the ZEROSETMEMORY button again.2. When you have finished playback, rewind the tape.• "41_1RTN' appears.• The tape stops automatically at "0:00:00".• The tape counter changes to time code.r_ The zero set memory may not function correctly when the time code has notbeen recorded consecutively.73