Setting Up a Computer for Printing (Windows)2-222 Using a TCP/IP NetworkPrint Server SettingsThe following procedure enables you to set up Windows NT or Windows 2000 as a print server formore efficient management of network printers. Once the print server is set up, print jobs can bemanaged by the print server. Also, by setting up an alternate driver for the print server, printer driv-ers can be installed in each computer via the network.The shared printer settings are now complete.To install the printer driver on another computer, use the Printer Wizard window for selecting theprinter destination, select Network printer, and then select the shared printer for the computerselected in the print server.1 In the Printer Driver Properties dialogbox, open the Sharing sheet. From the Start menu, select Settings andthen select Printers. Right-click the icon of the printer youwant to use for printing. From the pop-up menu, select Sharing.2 Enter the Sharing settings. Select the Shared option button andenter a share name. In the Alternate Drivers list box (the Addi-tional Drivers... button if you use Win-dows 2000), select the printer drivername you want to install. Click the OK button. When the alternatedriver is installed, a window will open toenter the location of the file containingthe printer driver. Insert the CD-ROMsupplied with the machine and select thefolder containing the printer driver.IMPORTANT• When using Windows NT, the use of the alter-nate driver function requires the installation ofthe Windows NT Service Pack 5 or later.