Chapter 77-37.2 Detecting Jams7.2.1 Jam Detection Outline7.2.1.1 Outline 0006-2933The machine is equipped with 6 sensors used to detect jams.The presence/absence of paper is checked with reference to the state of each sensor at such times as stored in the CPUon the DC controller PCB. When the machine detects a jam, it will turn off the main motor (M1) and will indicate ajam message on the LCD. Types of Jams 0006-2934The machine groups jams into 8 types. When a jam occurs, be sure to remove it, and start over the operation.7.2.2 Delivery Jams7.2.2.1 Pickup Delay Jam 0006-2935After execution of a pickup retry, the paper leading edge sensor (PS102) does not detect the leading edge of paperwithin a specific period of time, or no paper exists at time of a pickup retry. Delivery Sensor Leading Edge Delay Jam 0006-2963After the paper leading edge sensor (PS102) has detected the leading edge of paper, the delivery sensor (PS3) doesnot detect the trailing edge of paper within a specific period of time. Delivery Sensor Trailing Edge Delay Jam 0006-2966After the delivery sensor (PS3) has detected the leading edge of paper, the delivery sensor (PS3) does not detect thetrailing edge of paper within a specific period of time.7.2.3 Stationary Jams7.2.3.1 Paper Leading Edge Sensor Stationary Jam 0006-2955After the paper leading edge sensor (PS102) has detected the leading edge of paper, the paper leading edge sensor(PS102) does not detect the trailing edge of paper within a specific period of time. Delivery Sensor Stationary Jam 0006-2957- As part of operation after a pickup delay jam, the delivery sensor (PS3) detects the trailing edge of paper; however,the delivery sensor (PS3) once again detects the trailing edge of paper, the laser is forced OFF, and a specificperiod of time passes.