Chapter 1414-614.2 FAX Error Codes14.2.1 Outline14.2.1.1 Outline 0006-3503If '1' is set to service data #1 SSSW SW01 bit 0, an appropriate service error code will be indicated on the followingreports if a communication ends in error: communication control report, reception result report, error transmissionreport.When an error occurs, you can generate a system dump list in service mode to check the code. Error Codes 0006-3504The error codes used in the machine are defined as follows:1Transmission Level (ATT): No.07 of Service Soft Switch #2 MENU- Increase the transmission level:Increase the setting so that it is closer to 0 dBm. (At 0 dBm, the LCD indicates '0'.)- Decrease the transmission level:Decrease the setting so that it is closer to -15 dBm. (At -15 dBm, the LCD indicates '15'.)NL Equalizer: No.05 of Service Soft Switch #2 MENU- Adjust the NL equalizer:Select 'ON'.Transmission Page Timer: SW12 of Service Soft Switch #1 SSSW- Increase the page timer setting:To set both transmission and reception to the same time-out length, set SW12 as fol-lows:8 min: bit 7, bit 1, bit 0 = 0, 0, 016 min: bit 7, bit 1, bit 0 = 0, 0, 132 min: bit 7, bit 1, bit 0 = 0, 1, 064 min: bit 7, bit 1, bit 0 = 0, 1, 1If you want to set transmission and reception to different time-out lengths, or use differ-ent time-out lengthsaccording to different image modes, you will have to set all bits (from 7 through 0) accordingly.Timer: No.10 of Service Soft Switch #3 NUMERIC param.- Increase the T0 timer setting:Increase the setting of No.10.The T0 timer is used to set the period of time in which a line connection is recognized for transmission, i.e., inwhich the machine waits for a significant signal from the other party after dialing. The line will be disconnectedif no significant signal is received during the period.Timer: No.11 of Service Soft Switch #3 NUMERIC param.- Increase the T1 timer setting:Increase the setting of No.11.The T1 timer is used to set the period of time in which a line connection is recognized for reception, i.e., in which