Printing Photos and ImagesPrinting Photos in MonochromeThe following settings are available for monochrome printing.EasySettingsPrintTargetPhoto(Monochrome)A mode optimized for printing monochrome images withmaximum expressiveness through simple operations.Choosing Photo (Monochrome) in Easy Settings appliesimage processing to keep color ink use to an absoluteminimum, suppressing color shift and achieving consistentgray balance.• Photo (Monochrome) is not available for all types ofpaper.• Printing that matches the pure neutral black ofconventional photos (silver-halide prints) is possible.Printing Photos in Monochrome (Windows) (→P.188)Printing Photos in Monochrome (Mac OS X) (→P.190)Printing Photos in Monochrome (Mac OS 9) (→P.193)Monochrome(Photo)A mode for printing monochrome images with maximumexpressiveness by specifying detailed settings. In thesesettings, you can specify to apply image processing to keepcolor ink use to an absolute minimum, suppress color shift,and achieve consistent gray balance. You can also ne-tunethe color balance by selecting “Warm Black,” “Cool Black”,and so on.• Even more detailed adjustment is possible on the ColorAdjustment sheet.• Monochrome (Photo) is not available for all types ofpaper.Fine-Tuning Monochrome Settings When Printing Photos(Windows) (→P.196)Fine-Tuning Monochrome Settings When Printing Photos(Mac OS X) (→P.198)Fine-Tuning Monochrome Settings When Printing Photos(Mac OS 9) (→P.201)MainAdvancedSettingsColorModeMonochrome Deactivates color printing so that images are printed inmonochrome, with continuous-tone color data printed usinggray midtones. Use this mode to print ofce documents orgraphics in monochrome, or if the paper is not compatiblewith the Monochrome (Photo) setting.• Even more detailed adjustment is possible on the ColorAdjustment sheet.• If the paper is not compatible with the Monochrome(Photo) setting, choose Monochrome.• Becausecolorinkisusedtoproducegraycontinuous-toneimages, the gray may appear to have a tinge of color.Fine-Tuning Monochrome Settings When Printing Photos(Windows) (→P.196)Fine-Tuning Monochrome Settings When Printing Photos(Mac OS X) (→P.198)Fine-Tuning Monochrome Settings When Printing Photos(Mac OS 9) (→P.201)Working With Various Print Jobs 187