14When the DX Coil Temperature Sensor option is set to ON,the TEMP system thermostat will use information from thetemperature sensor for high and low temperature limits. Thehigh limits for this sensor are fixed at 105 F for second stageand 110 F for first stage. The low limits are configured in cate-gory 4, options 5 and 6.When the DX Coil Temperature Sensor option is set to OFF,the TEMP system thermostat will not use information from thetemperature sensor for high and low temperature limits.To configure the DX Coil Temperature Sensor option, con-figure category 5, option 6. Use the left set point buttons to tog-gle the option ON and OFF. The default value is OFF.DX COIL TEMPERATURE SENSOR CALIBRATION —To calibrate the DX coil temperature sensor, Configure cate-gory 5, option 7. Obtain a correct temperature reading with anaccurate thermometer. Use the left set point buttons to raise orlower the temperature until the desired reading is shown. Therange of possible temperatures is 30 to 180 F.Outside-Air Temperature Sensor — The TEMP sys-tem thermostat measures outside-air temperature through asolid-state temperature sensor. The sensor can be located up to1000 ft from the single zone relay pack. The sensor measurestemperature with a range of –40 to 150 F with 1/10-degreeresolution.The temperature sensor is interfaced through the single zonerelay pack. See Fig. 3.When the Outside-Air Temperature Sensor option is set toON, the TEMP system thermostat will measure outside-airtemperature and broadcast the outside-air temperature informa-tion on the network.When the Outside-Air Temperature Sensor option is set toOFF, the TEMP system thermostat can receive outside-air in-formation broadcast from another device on the network. Acommunication bus must have only one outdoor-air sensor.To configure the Outside-Air Temperature Sensor option,configure category 5, option 8. Use the left set point buttons totoggle the option ON and OFF. The default value is OFF.OUTSIDE-AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR CALIBRA-TION — To calibrate the outside-air temperature sensor, con-figure category 5, option 9. Obtain a correct temperaturereading with an accurate thermometer. The range of possibletemperatures is –40 to 150 F. Use the left set point buttons toraise or lower the temperature until the desired temperature isshown.Indoor-Air Humidity Sensor — The TEMP systemthermostat measures relative humidity through a solid-state hu-midity sensor. The sensor can be located up to 1000 ft from thesingle zone relay pack. The sensor measures humidity with arange of 0 to 100%.The humidity sensor is interfaced through the single zonerelay pack. See Fig. 3.When the Indoor-Air Humidity Sensor option is set to ON,the TEMP system thermostat will measure relative humidityand broadcast the relative humidity information on thenetwork.When the Indoor-Air Humidity Sensor option is set to OFF,the TEMP system thermostat can receive relative humidity in-formation broadcast from another device on the network.To configure the Indoor-Air Humidity Sensor option, con-figure category 5, option 11. Use the left set point buttons totoggle the display. When the option is set to 0, neither the hu-midity sensor nor the filter status sensor is used. When the op-tion is set to 1, a humidity sensor is used. When the option is setto 2, a filter status sensor is used. The default is 0.NOTE: The humidity sensor and the filter status sensor cannotbe used at the same time.INDOOR-AIR HUMIDITY SENSOR CALIBRATION — Tocalibrate the indoor-air humidity sensor, configure category 5,option 12. Obtain a correct humidity reading with an accuratepsychrometer. The range of possible humidity readings is 0 to100%. Use the left set point buttons to raise or lower the read-ing until the desired humidity is shown.Indoor-Air Quality Sensor — The Comfort IAQ fea-ture allows the Carrier Comfort system to interface with theeconomizer on the HVAC equipment and maintain the qualityof indoor air within acceptable limits. An IAQ sensor (CO2) isused to monitor the IAQ levels in a zone.When the CO2 level exceeds the preset level (factory con-figuration is 1000 ppm and user software is required to changeset point), the sensor signals the indoor-fan motor to run. If theauxiliary relay is user-configured to participate in IAQ, theauxiliary relay will energize. If the auxiliary relay is wired tothe economizer, the IAQ uses the IAQ Economizer Delay forthe first IAQ mode of the day. The indoor fan circulates the airthroughout the occupied space. At the end of the 5 to 30 min-utes, if the CO2 level still exceeds the set point, the economizerdamper opens. This forces fresh outside air to enter the space.When the IAQ level drops below the IAQ set point, the econo-mizer returns to its standard operating mode. The IAQ sensorcontacts open for 41/2 minutes to end IAQ mode.When the system is bringing in additional outside air, thethermostat is reset 0 to 10° F (field-configured) above or belowthe original set point to allow the outside air to circulate beforethe heating or cooling mode is initiated.When the IAQ mode brings in fresh outdoor air, the spacetemperature and humidity will rise or fall depending on theoutside-air temperature and humidity. The IAQ Temperatureand Humidity Lockout Set Points limit the air to be broughtinto the zone to satisfy IAQ requirements upon start of IAQmode.IAQ SENSOR CALIBRATION — IAQ sensor calibration canonly be done with special calibration software which must bepurchased. Call a local Carrier representative for more infor-mation about this product.IAQ SENSOR — To configure the IAQ sensor option, set cat-egory 14, option 1. When the option is configured ON, theTEMP system thermostat will use information from the systemIAQ sensor. When the option is configured OFF, the IAQ sen-sor is not used. The default is OFF.IAQ ECONOMIZER DELAY — The IAQ Economizer Delayoption controls how long the indoor fan will run before theeconomizer is energized once in IAQ mode. To configure theIAQ Economizer Delay option, set category 14, option 2. Thenumber of minutes will be shown. The range of acceptable val-ues is 5 to 30 minutes in 1-minute increments. Use the left setpoint buttons to set the time limit to the desired value. Thedefault value is 10 minutes.IAQ MAXIMUM SPACE TEMPERATURE RESET —Whenthe IAQ mode brings in fresh outdoor air, the space tempera-ture will rise or fall depending on the outside-air temperature.The IAQ Maximum Space Temperature Reset is the maximumamount of deviance from the set point that a zone will allow tosatisfy IAQ requirements. The IAQ Maximum Space Temper-ature option will keep the HVAC equipment from enteringheating or cooling unless the temperature change is greaterthan the set point. The option is configured in category 14,option 3. The set point can be configured from 0 to 10° F. Thedefault value is 2° F.IAQ HUMIDITY LOCKOUT SET POINT — When the IAQmode brings in fresh outdoor air, the space humidity will riseor fall depending on the outside air humidity. The IAQ Humid-ity Lockout Set Point is the maximum outdoor air humidityreading at which a zone will allow air to be brought into thezone to satisfy IAQ requirements. The IAQ Humidity Lockout