24OUTDOOR-AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR OUT OFRANGE — An HF10 error is issued when the outdoor-airtemperature sensor is reading below –40 F or greater than150 F. The outdoor air temperature sensor can be recalibrated.The HF10 error will automatically clear when the sensor read-ing is back within the allowable range.To check the outdoor-air temperature sensor:1. Check that the outdoor-air temperature sensor wiring andconnections to the circuit board are physically intact. En-sure the 5-conductor control wiring running between therelay pack and the TEMP system thermostat is not runnear AC, control, or communication bus wiring. Maintaina minimum separation of 12 in. or more between otherwiring and remote room sensor wiring.2. Check the outdoor-air temperature sensor calibration.Calibrate the sensor by manual calibration at the TEMPsystem thermostat using the Outdoor-Air TemperatureSensor Calibration function (category 5, option 9) and anaccurate thermometer. Measure the temperature at theoutdoor-air temperature sensor location using the accu-rate thermometer. Wait for the reading to stabilize. Usingthe set point buttons, increase or decrease the temperaturedisplay to match the reading of the thermometer.HUMIDITY SENSOR OUT OF RANGE — An HF11 error isissued when the humidity sensor is reading below 0% orgreater than 100%. The humidity sensor can be recalibrated.The HF11 error will automatically clear when the sensor read-ing is back within the allowable range.To check the humidity sensor:1. Check if the humidity sensor wiring and connections tothe circuit board are physically intact. Ensure the 5-conductor control wiring running between the relay packand the TEMP system thermostat is not run near AC,control, or communication bus wiring. Maintain a mini-mum separation of 12 in. or more between other wiringand remote room sensor wiring.2. Check the humidity sensor calibration. Calibrate the sen-sor by manual calibration at the TEMP system thermostatusing the Humidity Sensor Calibration function (category5, option 12) and an accurate psychrometer. Measure thehumidity at the humidity sensor location using the accu-rate psychrometer. Wait for the reading to stabilize. Usingthe set point buttons, increase or decrease the humiditydisplay to match the reading of the psychrometer.TEMP System Thermostat Reset — The TEMP sys-tem thermostat constantly verifies operation and the informa-tion it utilizes. When it finds a fault in a specified area, theTEMP system thermostat resets.The TEMP system thermostat will reset when it finds faultin the inability of the microprocessor to properly operate theprograms used by the TEMP system thermostat causes an im-proper response to zone and system conditions.Each piece of information received by the TEMP systemthermostat is verified to eliminate the use of incorrect data.Each portion of information stored by the TEMP system ther-mostat is verified to eliminate the use of incorrect data. If incor-rect data is found the TEMP system thermostat will reset andreplace the incorrect data with the default value.When possible, system communication and data storagefaults are corrected by the TEMP system thermostat. Whencorrections cannot be made the information is regarded as in-valid and not utilized.BROADCAST/DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMEAs a part of the Carrier Comfort system, on the network, theTEMP system thermostat can send and receive broadcasts.For the system to function correctly, the following devicesmust be configured as described below:• one TEMP system thermostat must have a timeclock and bea network time broadcaster unless time is received from adifferent network device (comfort controller). More thanone timeclock on a network is allowed• there must be only one TEMP system thermostat config-ured as a network time requester• one and only one network device must be configured as thebroadcast acknowledger per bus• all other devices should be configured to receive networktimeNetwork Time Broadcast — When the Network TimeBroadcast option is set to ON, the TEMP system thermostat (ifequipped with a timeclock) will broadcast CCN time and dateon the network 2 times a day.When the Network Time Broadcast option is set to OFF, theTEMP system thermostat will not broadcast time and date.To set the option, configure category 9, option 5. Use theleft set point buttons to toggle the option ON or OFF. The de-fault is OFF.NOTE: The TEMP system thermostat must have its own time-clock to broadcast network time, otherwise all network deviceswill not function correctly.Network Time Request — When the Network TimeRequest option is set to ON, the TEMP system thermostat willrequest CCN time and date from the network once every30 seconds. If there are multiple TEMP system thermostats ona network there must be at least one TEMP system thermostatrequesting time.When the Network Time Request option is set to OFF, theTEMP system thermostat will not request time and date.To set the option, configure category 9, option 3. Use theleft set point buttons to toggle the option ON or OFF. The de-fault is OFF.Receive Network Time — When the Receive NetworkTime option is set to ON, the TEMP system thermostat will ac-cept a broadcast of CCN time and date from the network.When the Receive Network Time option is set to OFF, theTEMP system thermostat will not accept a CCN time and datebroadcast.To set the option, configure category 9, option 4. Use theleft set point buttons to toggle the option ON or OFF. The de-fault is ON.Broadcast Acknowledger — When the BroadcastAcknowledger option is set to ON, the TEMP system thermo-stat will acknowledge any CCN broadcast. Every primary andsecondary bus must have only one broadcast acknowledger.When the Broadcast Acknowledger option is set to OFF,the TEMP system thermostat will not acknowledge a CCNbroadcast.