15Set Point option will keep the IAQ mode from beginningunless the outdoor humidity is below acceptable levels. Theoption is configured in category 14, option 4. The set point canbe configured from 0 to 100. The default value is 0. The sys-tem relative humidity is broadcast by a device (comfort con-troller) on the network.IAQ LOW TEMPERATURE LOCKOUT — When the IAQmode brings in fresh outdoor air, the space temperature willrise or fall depending on the outside-air temperature. The IAQLow Temperature Lockout Set Point is the minimum outdoor-air temperature reading at which a zone will allow air to bebrought into the zone to satisfy IAQ requirements. The IAQLow Temperature Lockout Set Point option will keep the IAQmode from beginning unless the outdoor temperature is abovethe set point. The option is configured in category 14, option 5.The set point can be configured from 0 to 110 F. The defaultvalue is 45 F.IAQ HIGH TEMPERATURE LOCKOUT — When the IAQmode brings in fresh outdoor air, the space temperature willrise or fall depending on the outside air temperature. The IAQHigh Temperature Lockout Set Point is the maximum outdoor-air temperature reading at which a zone will allow air to bebrought into the zone to satisfy IAQ requirements. The IAQHigh Temperature Lockout Set Point option will keep the IAQmode from beginning unless the outdoor temperature is belowthe set point levels. The option is configured in category 14,option 6. The set point can be configured from 0 to 110 F. Thedefault value is 80 F.IAQ ALARM DELAY — The IAQ Alarm Delay option con-trols how long the TEMP system thermostat will wait beforeissuing an IAQ alarm. To configure the IAQ Alarm Delayoption, set category 14, option 7. The number of minutes willbe shown. The range of acceptable values is 0 to 240 minutesin 1-minute increments. Use the left set point buttons to set thetime limit to the desired value. The default value is 0 minutes.Fan/Filter Status Switch — The fan/filter statusswitch can be configured to signal when the system fan is oper-ating or monitor the HVAC equipment filter and send a dirtyfilter alarm.NOTE: The humidity sensor and fan/filter status sensor cannotbe wired at the same time, only one sensor can be used.To configure to monitor thermostat to use a fan/filter statusswitch, set category 5, option 11. A value of 0 configures thesystem for no sensor. A value of 1 configures the system for anindoor humidity sensor. A value of 2 configures the system fora fan/filter status switch. The default is 0.Category 5, option 10 configures whether the fan status orfilter status capability of the sensor is used. Set the option toON for a fan status switch. Set the option to OFF for a filter sta-tus switch. The default is OFF.Refer to the fan/filter status installation instructions formore information.CONTROL OF HEATING ANDCOOLING EQUIPMENTThe system heating and cooling equipment is operated bythe TEMP system thermostat in response to the zone condi-tions. The TEMP system thermostat uses the System Mode todetermine the zone requirements of the system.The TEMP system thermostat can control the heating orcooling stages of the equipment and an economizer (ifapplicable).During equipment operation, zone temperature conditionscan be improving, staying the same, or becoming worse. TheTEMP system thermostat can analyze conditions to determinethe equipment staging.To protect the equipment, the TEMP system thermostatutilizes a time guard function to prevent excessive equipmentcycling. To prevent excessive temperatures, the TEMP systemthermostat can deenergize stages of equipment operation basedon a comparison of supply-air temperatures to system operat-ing limits which will turn off equipment. The TEMP systemthermostat can also lockout heating or cooling based onoutside-air temperature.Heating/Cooling Equipment Interface — Theheating/cooling equipment is interfaced to the TEMP systemthermostat through a single zone relay pack.Through the relay pack, the TEMP system thermostat isable to control:• 2 stages of cooling• 2 stages of heating• fan operation• reversing valve operation/ auxiliary relay operationSystem Switches — The system switches are locatedon the bottom of the TEMP system thermostat. The systemswitches control the system mode function. See Fig. 11. Thesystem switches can be set to a fixed position (locked) throughconfiguration and can also be controlled from the networkthrough software.SYSTEM HEAT SWITCH — The TEMP system thermostatheat switch has 2 settings. When the heat switch is set to OFF,the TEMP system thermostat cannot select system heat mode.When the heat switch is set to AUTO, the TEMP system ther-mostat is able to select system heat mode.To control the heat switch setting, configure category 4,option 20. This range is from 0 to 2. When the option is set to 0,the thermostat will use the setting of its mechanical coolswitch. When the option is set to 1, the thermostat will performas if the heat switch is set to AUTO (regardless of the mechani-cal heat switch setting). When the option is set to 2, the thermo-stat will perform is if the heat switch is set to OFF (regardlessof the mechanical heat switch setting). The setting of 0 is thedefault setting.SYSTEM COOL SWITCH — The TEMP system thermostatcool switch has 2 settings. When the cool switch is set to OFF,the TEMP system thermostat cannot select system cool mode.When the cool switch is set to AUTO, the TEMP system ther-mostat is able to select system cool mode.COOL HEAT TEMP SYSTEMTHERMOSTATFANSWITCHSYSTEMSWITCHESCOOL HEAT FANOFF AUTO OFF AUTO ONFig. 11 — System Switch Locations