18To configure the Second Stage Cooling Temperature Limitoption, set category 4, option 6. Use the left set point buttons toraise or lower the set point until the desired temperature isshown. The range of acceptable values is 45 to 50 F, in one de-gree increments. The default is 50 F.First Stage Heating Temperature Limit — If the ductentering-air temperature rises above the First Stage HeatingTemperature Limit and the LAT Monitoring function is ON,the TEMP system thermostat will deenergize first stageheating.To configure the First Stage Heating Temperature Limit op-tion, set category 4, option 7. Use the left set point buttons toraise or lower the set point until the desired temperature isshown. The range of acceptable values is 110 to 180 F, in onedegree increments. The default is 110 F.Second Stage Heating Temperature Limit — If the ductentering-air temperature rises above the Second Stage HeatingTemperature Limit and the LAT Monitoring function is ON,the TEMP system thermostat will deenergize second stageheating.To configure the Second Stage Heating Temperature Limitoption, set category 4, option 8. Use the left set point buttons toraise or lower the set point until the desired temperature isshown. The range of acceptable values is 105 to 160 F, in onedegree increments. The default is 105 F.High/Low Temperature Limit Display — When a Heating orCooling Temperature Limit is exceeded the TEMP systemthermostat flashes the appropriate system annunciators.COOL flashes when a Low Temperature Limit is exceeded.HEAT flashes when a High Temperature Limit is exceeded. AnSE11 alarm will be issued.HEATING AND COOLING TIME GUARD — When theTime Guard Between Modes option is ON, the TEMP systemthermostat cannot change system modes until the heating/cooling time guard period has expired. The heating and cool-ing time guard is 5 minutes.When the Time Guard Between Modes option is OFF, theTEMP system thermostat cannot change system modes until a30-second time delay has expired.To configure the Time Guard Between Modes option, setcategory 4, option 2. Use the left set point buttons to toggle theoption ON and OFF. The default is ON.UNOCCUPIED TIME GUARD — The Unoccupied TimeGuard determines how long the TEMP system thermostat willwait before starting the heating/cooling equipment when theTEMP system thermostat goes from unoccupied to occupiedmode. The length of the time guard is 0 to 189 seconds (deter-mined by the first 6 bits of the address of the heating/ coolingequipment). This keeps the equipment from starting simulta-neously which keeps peak energy usage down.TIME GUARD OVERRIDE — When the Time Guard Over-ride option is set to ON, the TEMP system thermostat heating/cooling time guard and Unoccupied Time Guard are reset to30 seconds.NOTE: When the Time Guard Override option is used, theTEMP system thermostat will automatically reset the TimeGuard Override to OFF.When the Time Guard Override option is set to OFF, theheating/cooling time guard and Unoccupied Time Guard deter-mine the time guard length based on the TEMP system thermo-stat device address.To configure the Time Guard Override option, set category4, option 3. Use the left set point buttons to toggle the optionON and OFF. The Time Guard Override option will return toOFF when the override is complete. The default is OFF.POWER-UP TIME GUARD — The power-up time guarddetermines how long the TEMP system thermostat will waitbefore starting the heating/cooling equipment when the TEMPsystem thermostat is powered up. The length of the time guardis 5 minutes plus 0 to 189 seconds (determined by the first 6bits of the address of the heating/cooling equipment). Thiskeeps the equipment from starting simultaneously which keepspeak energy usage down.Temperature Lockouts — Heating and cooling lock-out temperatures can be configured to lock out the systemmode based on the outside-air temperature. When the HeatingTemperature Lockouts option is set to ON, and the outside-airtemperature exceeds the Heating Lockout Temperature SetPoint, the TEMP system thermostat will not select a systemHeating Mode. If the system is currently in the system heatingmode, the TEMP system thermostat will complete the currentsystem mode.NOTE: In order to use lockout temperatures the TEMP systemthermostat must have an outdoor-air sensor wired to the relaypack, or must be receiving outdoor-air temperature over thenetwork.When the Cooling Temperature Lockouts option is set toON, and the outside-air temperature drops below the CoolingLockout Temperature Set Point, the TEMP system thermostatwill not select a system Cooling Mode. If the system is current-ly in the system cooling mode, the TEMP system thermostatwill complete the current system mode.When either the Cooling or Heating Temperature Lockoutoptions are set to OFF, the System Heating and Cooling ModeLockout functions are disabled.To configure the Cooling Temperature Lockout option, setcategory 4, option 11. Use the left set point buttons to togglethe option ON and OFF. The default is OFF.To configure the Heating Temperature Lockout option, setcategory 4, option 13. Use the left set point buttons to togglethe option ON and OFF. The default is OFF.Heating Lockout Temperature Set Point — TheHeating Lockout Temperature Set Point establishes the systemoutside-air trip temperature for the Temperature Lockouts andthe Supplemental Heat Lockout.To disable the TEMP system thermostat heating lockoutfunctions, set the Heating Lockout option to OFF.To configure the Heating Lockout Temperature Set Point,set category 4, option 14. The range of values is 10 to 80 F in5° F increments. Use the left set point buttons to increase or de-crease the set point. The default is 60 F.Cooling Lockout Temperature Set Point — TheCooling Lockout Temperature Set Point establishes the systemoutside air trip temperature for the Temperature Lockoutsfunction.To disable the TEMP system thermostat cooling lockoutfunctions, set the Cooling Lockout option to OFF.To configure the Cooling Lockout Temperature Set Point,set category 4, option 12. The range of values is 10 to 80 F in5° F increments. Use the left set point buttons to increase or de-crease the set point. The default is 40 F.Pre-Occupancy Purge — When the Pre-Occupancypurge option is set to ON, the TEMP system thermostat willopen the economizer and start the indoor-fan motor to sendfresh air into the zone 60 minutes before the occupied mode isprogrammed to start. If the Auxiliary Relay is configured foreconomizer control, the auxiliary relay will be energized.When the Pre-Occupancy Purge option is set to OFF, thepurge will not occur.NOTE: The Pre-Occupancy Purge will not work if the monitorthermostat is configured to receive a global schedule.To program the Pre-Occupancy Purge option, configure cat-egory 4, option 17. Use the left set point buttons to toggle theoption ON or OFF. The default is OFF.