19METERINGThe TEMP system thermostat has zone metering capabili-ties. The available functions allow the TEMP system thermo-stat to meter zone usage in 3 ways:• usage of the heating/cooling equipment to maintain zonetemperature conditions (amount of time the zone demandmatches the System Mode).• usage of the zone in addition to the normal occupied sched-ule (amount of time the zone is in Unoccupied Override).• amount of time zone demand matches system mode duringthe unoccupied override.HVAC Usage Meter — The TEMP system thermostathas a HVAC usage meter that can accumulate up to32,767 minutes (about 22 days) of HVAC usage. Throughcommunication, the amount of time accumulated in the metercan be accessed, recorded, and reset to zero. Once the maxi-mum amount of time has been accumulated, the TEMP systemthermostat stops metering and a Meter Full Error occurs.To configure the HVAC Usage Meter option, set category 7,option 6. Use the left set point buttons to configure the optionON or OFF. The default is OFF.To disable the HVAC Usage Meter, set the option to OFF.No metering occurs.Override Usage Meter — When the Override UsageMeter option is set to ON, the meter will record the minutes thezone is in unoccupied override mode. When the Override Us-age Meter option is set to OFF, zone metering for this modewill not occur. The override usage meter can accumulate up to32,767 minutes (about 22 days) of override usage.To configure the Override Usage Meter option, set category7, option 7. Use the left set point buttons to configure the op-tion ON or OFF. The default is OFF.To disable the Override Usage Meter, set the option to OFF.No metering occurs.HVAC Override Usage Meter — When the HVACOverride Usage Meter option is set to ON, the meter willrecord the minutes the zone demand matches the system modein unoccupied override mode. When the HVAC Override Us-age Meter option is set to OFF, zone metering for this modewill not occur. The HVAC override usage meter can accumu-late up to 32,767 minutes (about 22 days) of HVAC overrideusage.To configure the HVAC Override Usage Meter option, setcategory 7, option 8. Use the left set point buttons to configurethe option ON or OFF. The default is OFF.To disable the HVAC Override Usage Meter, set the optionto OFF. No metering occurs.DIAGNOSTICSThe TEMP system thermostat has diagnostic capabilitiesfor components, and zone and system information.Diagnostic problems, called errors or alarms, are dividedinto 3 categories: Hardware Failure (HF) errors, Storage Fail-ure (SF) errors, and System Errors (SE). The TEMP systemThermostat tracks the operating conditions in the zone.Error Code Display — An error code representing theTEMP system SE, SF, and HF diagnostic functions can be dis-played to indicate which error has been declared. The 2 letterslocated in the bottom of the display represent the type of error.The 3 numbers located in the top of the display identify thespecific error.When the Error Code Display option is ON, an error codewill be displayed when the associated error occurs. Any previ-ous error codes that occurred when the Error Code Display wasconfigured OFF will be displayed.When an error is cleared, any errors remaining in the ther-mostat will be displayed sequentially until all errors arecleared.When the Error Code Display option is set to OFF, no errorcodes will be displayed by the TEMP system thermostat.To configure the Error Code Display option, set category 7,option 1. Use the left set point buttons to toggle the setting toON or OFF. The default is OFF.System Errors (SE) — System Errors are shown inTable 3.COMFORT TREND ERROR (SPACE TEMPERATUREALARM) (SE01) — A Comfort Trend error is a system errorthat provides information on the ability of the system to main-tain temperature conditions in its reference zone.When the reference zone demand exceeds the ComfortTrend Demand Set Point, the TEMP system thermostat beginstracking the Temperature Trend of the zone.Table 3 — System ErrorsThe TEMP system thermostat declares a Comfort Trend Er-ror for the zone when the Temperature Trend is continuouslyzero (zone temperature conditions are not improving) or posi-tive (zone temperature conditions are becoming worse) for theentire Comfort Trend Time Limit.To clear a Comfort Trend Error, use the Unit Reset function.The Unit Reset function is in category 7, option 11. The defaultis OFF. Use the left set point buttons to set the option to ON.The TEMP system thermostat will reset all errors.By indicating when zone heating or cooling set points can-not be satisfied, a Comfort Trend Error helps identify zoneproblems.When the system is commissioned, this information can beused by the installing contractor to recognize zone airflow orsupply-air temperature problems in the system.During system operation, Comfort Trend Errors can be con-tinuously monitored for the servicing contractor by a local net-work access device to determine when system or equipmentproblems are affecting zone comfort.ERRORCODE SYSTEM ERROR DESCRIPTIONALARMPRIORITYLEVELSE01 Comfort Trend (Space Temperature) 2SE02 HVAC Usage Meter Full 4SE03 Override Usage Meter Full 4SE04 HVAC Override Usage Meter Full 4SE06 Cannot Detect Indoor Fan ON 2SE07 Heat Mode Error 2SE08 Cool Mode Error 2SE09 Dirty Filter Error 4SE10 IAQ Error 2SE11 High/Low Temperature Limit Exceeded 2SE12 Cannot Detect Indoor Fan OFF 2SE13 Stuck Gas Valve 1