Item13. Romote-A or BselectionOperation flow and applicable data, etc. Description1. PurposeThis operation is to operate only oneindoor unit using one remote controller.2. DescriptionWhen operating one indoor unit in asituation where two indoor units havebeen installed in the same room ornearby rooms, this operation prevents theremote controller signal from beingreceived simultaneously by both units,thus preventing both units from operating.3. OperationThe indoor unit on which the remotecontroller selection has been set to Breceives the signal of the remote control-ler also set to B.(At the factory the remote controllerselection is set to A on all the indoorunits. There is no A setting display.)Setting the remote controllerTo separate using of remote control for each indoorunit in case of 2 air conditioner are installed nearly.Remote Control B Setup.1) Press RESET button on the indoor unit to turn2) Point the remote control at the indoor unit.3) Push and hold button on the RemoteControl by the tip of the pencil. "00" will be shownthe air conditioner ON.shown on the display.4) Press during pushing . "B" willshow on the display and "00" will disappear andthe air conditioner will turn OFF. The RemoteControl B is memorized.Note : 1. Repeat above step to reset Remote Controlto be A.2. Remote Control A has mot "A" display.3. Default setting of Remote Control fromfactory is A.− 44 −FILE NO. SVM-07013"B" Display"00" Display