12Fig. 7 — Rigging DetailsStep 7 — Convert to Horizontal and ConnectDuctwork (when required)Unit is shipped in the vertical duct configuration. Unit withoutfactory-installed economizer or return-air smoke detector op-tion may be field-converted to horizontal ducted configuration.To convert to horizontal configuration, remove screws fromside duct opening covers (see Fig. 8) and remove covers. Usethe screws to install the covers on vertical duct openings withthe insulation-side down. The panels must be inserted into thenotches on the basepan to properly seal. The notches are cov-ered by the tape used to secure the insulation to the basepanand are not easily seen. See Fig. 9 for position of the notches inthe basepan. Seals around duct openings must be tight. Securewith screws as shown in Fig. 10. Cover seams with foil ducttape.Field-supplied flanges should be attached to horizontal ductopenings and all ductwork should be secured to the flanges. In-sulate and weatherproof all external ductwork, joints, and roofor building openings with counter flashing and mastic in accor-dance with applicable codes.Do not cover or obscure visibility to the unit’s informative dataplate when insulating horizontal ductwork.Fig. 8 — Horizontal Conversion PanelsFig. 9 — Location of NotchesDETAIL "A"PLACE ALL SEAL STRIP IN PLACEBEFORE PLACING UNIT ON ROOF CURB.DUCT ENDSEE DETAIL "A""A"(914-1371)36"- 54""C""B"SPREADERBARSREQUIREDNOTES:1. SPREADER BARS REQUIRED — Top damage will occur if spreader bars are not used.2. Dimensions in ( ) are in millimeters.3. Hook rigging shackles through holes in base rail, as shown in detail “A.” Holes in base rails are centered around the unit center ofgravity. Use wooden top to prevent rigging straps from damaging unit.UNIT MAX WEIGHT DIMENSIONSA B Clb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm50HCQA,D07 1100 500 88.0 2235 40.8 1035 41.5 105550HCQD08 1315 598 88.0 2235 41.6 1057 49.5 125750HCQD09 1505 684 88.0 2235 40.0 1015 49.5 1257REMOVABLE HORIZONTALSUPPLY DUCT OPENING COVERREMOVABLE HORIZONTALRETURN DUCT OPENING COVERBASEPANNOTCHES NOTCHES