Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.Catalog No. 04-53500211-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 50HCQ-7-9-06SI Pg CL-1 1-19 Replaces: 50HCQ-7-9-05SISTART-UP CHECKLIST FOR 50HCQ07-09 SINGLE PACKAGE ROOFTOPHEAT PUMP(REMOVE AND USE FOR JOB FILE)I. PRELIMINARY INFORMATIONMODEL NO. ____________________________________________JOB NAME _____________________________________________SERIAL NO. ____________________________________________ADDRESS _____________________________________________START-UP DATE________________________________________TECHNICIAN NAME _____________________________________ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES_____________________________________________________________________________________________________II. PRE-START-UPVerify that all packaging materials have been removed from unit (Y/N) _____Verify installation of outdoor air hood (Y/N) _____Verify that condensate connection is installed per instructions (Y/N) _____Verify that all electrical connections and terminals are tight (Y/N) _____Check that indoor-air filters are clean and in place (Y/N) _____Check that outdoor air inlet screens are in place (Y/N) _____Verify that unit is level (Y/N) _____Check fan wheels and propeller for location in housing/orifice and verify setscrew is tight (Y/N) _____Verify that fan sheaves are aligned and belts are properly tensioned (Y/N) _____Verify that scroll compressors are rotating in the correct direction (Y/N) _____Verify installation of thermostat (Y/N) _____III. START-UPELECTRICALSupply Voltage L1-L2_____________ L2-L3_____________ L3-L1_____________Compressor Amps 1 L1 _____________ L2 _____________ L3 _____________Compressor Amps 2 L1 _____________ L2 _____________ L3 _____________Supply Fan Amps L1 _____________ L2 _____________ L3 _____________TEMPERATURESOutdoor-air Temperature _____________ °F DB (Dry Bulb)Return-air Temperature _____________ °F DB _____________ °F Wb (Wet Bulb)Cooling Supply Air Temperature _____________ °FNOTE: To avoid injury to personnel and damage to equipment orproperty when completing the procedures listed in this start-upchecklist, use good judgment, follow safe practices, and adhereto the safety considerations/information as outlined in preced-ing sections of this Installation Instruction document.