17PremierLinkt (Factory--Option) —C08199Fig. 28 -- PremierLink ControllerThe PremierLink controller (see Fig. 28) is compatiblewith Carrier Comfort Networkr (CCN) devices. Thiscontrol is designed to allow users the access and ability tochange factory--defined settings, thus expanding thefunction of the standard unit control board. CCN serviceaccess tools include System Pilot (TM), Touch Pilot (TM)and Service Tool. (Standard tier display tools Navigatortand Scrolling Marquee are not suitable for use with latestPremierLink controller (Version 2.x).)The PremierLink control is factory--mounted in the50TCQ unit’s main control box to the left of the CentralTerminal Board (CTB). Factory wiring is completedthrough harnesses connected to the CTB thermostat. Fieldconnections are made at a 16--pole terminal block (TB1)located on the bottom shelf of the unit control box in frontof the PremierLink controller. The factory--installedPremierLink control includes the supply--air temperature(SAT) sensor. The outdoor air temperature (OAT) sensor isincluded in the FIOP/accessory EconoMi$ert2 package.The PremierLink controller requires the use of a Carrierelectronic thermostat or a CCN connection for timebroadcast to initiate its internal timeclock. This isnecessary for broadcast of time of day functions(occupied/unoccupied).NOTE: PremierLink controller is shipped in Sensormode. To be used with a thermostat, the PremierLinkcontroller must be configured to Thermostat mode. Referto PremierLink Configuration instructions for OperatingMode.Supply Air Temperature (SAT) Sensor — OnFIOP--equipped 50TCQ unit, the unit is supplied with asupply--air temperature (SAT) sensor (33ZCSENSAT).This sensor is a tubular probe type, approx 6--inches(12.7 mm) in length. It is a nominal 10--k ohm thermistor.The SAT is factory--wired. The SAT probe is wire--tied tothe supply--air opening (on the horizontal opening end) inits shipping position. Remove the sensor for installation.Re--position the sensor in the flange of the supply--airopening or in the supply air duct (as required by localcodes). Drill or punch a 1 / 2 --in. hole in the flange or duct.Use two field--supplied, self--drilling screws to secure thesensor probe in a horizontal orientation. See Fig. 29.SUPPLY AIR RETURN AIRSUPPLY AIRTEMPERATURESENSORROOFCURBC08200Fig. 29 -- Typical Mounting Location for Supply AirTemperature (SAT) Sensor on Small Rooftop UnitsNOTE: Refer to Form 33CS--58SI for completePremierLink configuration, operating sequences andtroubleshooting information. Have a copy of this manualavailable at unit start--up.NOTE: The sensor must be mounted in the dischargeairstream downstream of the cooling coil and any heatingdevices. Be sure the probe tip does not come in contactwith any of the unit’s heater surfaces.50TCQA