31Remote OccupancyThe remote occupancy accessory is a field--installedaccessory. This accessory overrides the unoccupied modeand puts the unit in occupied mode. When installing thisaccessory, the unit must be configured for remoteoccupancy by setting MENU→Config→Inputs→input 3,5, 8, or 9 to Remote Occupancy and normally open (N/O)or normally closed (N/C).Also set MENU→Schedules→occupancy source to DIon/off. Input 8 or 9 is recommended for easy ofinstallation. Refer to Fig. 47 and Table 8 for wireterminations at J5.Power Exhaust (output)Connect the accessory Power Exhaust contactor coil(s) perFig. 55.Power ExhaustJ11-3CTANGRAPECCTBTHERMOSTATC08464Fig. 55 -- RTU--MP Power Exhaust ConnectionsSpace Relative Humidity Sensor -- The RH sensor is notused with 50TCQ models at this time.Communication Wiring -- ProtocolsGeneralProtocols are the communication languages spoken bycontrol devices. The main purpose of a protocol is tocommunicate information in the most efficient methodpossible. Different protocols exist to provide differentkinds of information for different applications. In the BASapplication, many different protocols are used, dependingon manufacturer. Protocols do not change the function ofa controller; just make the front end user different.The RTU--MP can be set to communicate on four differentprotocols: BACnet, Modbus, N2, and LonWorks. Switch 3(SW3) on the board is used to set protocol and baud rate.Switches 1 and 2 (SW1 and SW2) are used to set theboard’s network address. See Fig. 56 for the switch settingper protocol. The 3rd party connection to the RTU--MP isthrough plug J19.NOTE: Power must be cycled after changing the SW1--3switch settings.Refer to the RTU--MP 3rd Party Integration Guide formore detailed information on protocols, 3rd party wiring,and networking.SW3 Protocol SelectionPROTOCOL DS8 DS7 DS6 DS5 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1BACnet MS/TP(Master) Unused OFF OFF OFF ON OFF Select Baud Select BaudModbus(Slave) Unused OFF OFF ON ON OFF Select Baud Select BaudN2(Slave) Unused OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFFLonWorks Unused ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFFNOTE:DS = Dip SwitchBACnet MS/TP SW3 example shownBaud Rate SelectionsBAUD RATE DS2 DS19600 OFF OFF19,200 ON OFF38,400 OFF ON76,800 ON ON C07166Fig. 56 -- RTU--MP SW3 Dip Switch Settings50TCQA