24On 50TCQ units equipped with factory--installed SmokeDetector(s), the smoke detector controller implements theunit shutdown through its NC contact set connected to theunit’s CTB input. The FSD function is initiated via thesmoke detector’s Alarm NO contact set. The PremierLinkcommunicates the smoke detector’s tripped status to theCCN building control. See Fig. 30, the PremierLinkwiring schematic.Filter Status Switch — This function is available onlywhen PremierLink is configured for (Space) Sensor Mode.PremierLink control can monitor return filter status in twoways: By monitoring a field--supplied/installed filterpressure switch or via supply fan runtime hours.Using switch input: Install the dirty filter pressure switchaccording to switch manufacturer’s instructions, tomeasure pressure drop across the unit’s return filters.Connect one side of the switch’s NO contact set to CTB’sTHERMOSTAT--R terminal. Connect the other side of theNO contact set to TB1--10. Setpoint for Dirty Filter is setat the switch. See Fig. 42.RTB1J4-4PLFilter Switch (NO, close on rising pressure (high drop))CTBThermostat10C08216Fig. 42 -- PremierLink Filter Switch ConnectionWhen the filter switch’s NO contact set closes as filterpressure drop increases (indicating dirt--laden filters), theinput signal to PremierLink causes the filter status point toread “DIRTY”.Using Filter Timer Hours: Refer to Form 33CS--58SI forinstructions on using the PremierLink Configurationscreens and on unit alarm sequence.Supply Fan Status Switch — The PremierLink control canmonitor supply fan operation through afield--supplied/installed differential pressure switch. Thissequence will prevent (or interrupt) operation of unitcooling, heating and economizer functions until thepressure switch contacts are closed indicating propersupply fan operation.Install the differential pressure switch in the supply fansection according to switch manufacturer’s instructions.Arrange the switch contact to be open on no flow and toclose as pressure rises indicating fan operation.Connect one side of the switch’s NO contact set to CTB’sTHERMOSTAT--R terminal. Connect the other side of theNO contact set to TB1--8. Setpoint for Supply Fan Statusis set at the switch. See Fig. 43.R8TB1J4-6PLFan (Pressure) Switch (NO, close on rise in pressure)CTBThermostatC08118Fig. 43 -- PremierLink Wiring Fan Pressure SwitchConnectionRemote Occupied Switch — The PremierLink controlpermits a remote timeclock to override the control’son--board occupancy schedule and place the unit intoOccupied mode. This function may also provide a “DoorSwitch” time delay function that will terminate coolingand heating functions after a 2--20 minute delay.Connect one side of the NO contact set on the timeclockto CTB’s THERMOSTAT--R terminal. Connect the otherside of the timeclock contact to the unit’s TB1--2 terminal.R2TB1 PLTime ClockRemote Occupied CTBThermostatJ4-12C08214Fig. 44 -- PremierLink Wiring Remote OccupiedRefer to Form 33CS--58SI for additional information onconfiguring the PremierLink control for Door Switchtimer function.Power Exhaust (output) -- Connect the accessory PowerExhaust contactor coils(s) per Fig. 45.Space Relative Humidity Sensor — The RH sensor is notused with 50TCQ models at this time.J8-315CTB1 PLPEC TANGRAPower ExhaustCTBTHERMOSTATC08120Fig. 45 -- PremierLink Power Exhaust OutputConnectionCCN Communication Bus — The PremierLink controllerconnects to the bus in a daisy chain arrangement.Negative pins on each component must be connected torespective negative pins, and likewise, positive pins oneach component must be connected to respective positivepins. The controller signal pins must be wired to the signalground pins. Wiring connections for CCN must be madeat the 3--pin plug.50TCQA