238 7 6 5 4 3 2 12 1H G 24 VACOR24 VDCNC ALARMRELAYCONTACTSCOMNO }0-10VDCSIG COM4-20mA++-+ -J3 J4C08635Fig. 38 -- Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality (CO 2 ) Sensor(33ZCSENCO2) -- Typical Wiring DiagramTo accurately monitor the quality of the air in theconditioned air space, locate the sensor near a return--airgrille (if present) so it senses the concentration of CO2leaving the space. The sensor should be mounted in alocation to avoid direct breath contact.Do not mount the IAQ sensor in drafty areas such as nearsupply ducts, open windows, fans, or over heat sources.Allow at least 3 ft (0.9 m) between the sensor and anycorner. Avoid mounting the sensor where it is influencedby the supply air; the sensor gives inaccurate readings ifthe supply air is blown directly onto the sensor or if thesupply air does not have a chance to mix with the room airbefore it is drawn into the return airstream.Wiring the Indoor Air Quality Sensor —For each sensor, use two 2--conductor 18 AWG (AmericanWire Gage) twisted--pair cables (unshielded) to connectthe separate isolated 24 vac power source to the sensorand to connect the sensor to the control board terminals.To connect the sensor to the control, identify the positive(4 to 20 mA) and ground (SIG COM) terminals on thesensor. See Fig. 38. Connect the 4--20 mA terminal toterminal TB1--9 and connect the SIG COM terminal toterminal TB1--11. See Fig. 39.SEN J5-5J5-3COM911TB1TB1IAQ SensorPL24 VACC08636Fig. 39 -- Indoor CO 2 Sensor (33ZCSENCO2)ConnectionsRefer to Form 33CS--58SI, PremierLink Installation,Start--up, and Configuration Instructions, for detailedconfiguration informationOutdoor Air Quality Sensor (PNO 33ZCSENCO2 plusweatherproof enclosure) — The outdoor air CO2 sensor isdesigned to monitor carbon dioxide (CO2 ) levels in theoutside ventilation air and interface with the ventilationdamper in an HVAC system. The OAQ sensor is packagedwith an outdoor cover. See Fig. 40. The outdoor air CO2sensor must be located in the economizer outside air hood.COVER REMOVED SIDE VIEWC07135Fig. 40 -- Outdoor Air Quality Sensor CoverWiring the Outdoor Air CO2 Sensor — A dedicated powersupply is required for this sensor. A two--wire cable isrequired to wire the dedicated power supply for the sensor.The two wires should be connected to the power supplyand terminals 1 and 2.To connect the sensor to the control, identify the positive(4 to 20 mA) and ground (SIG COM) terminals on theOAQ sensor. See Fig. 38. Connect the 4 to 20 mAterminal to the TB1--13 terminal of the 50TCQ. Connectthe SIG COM terminal to the TB1--11 terminal of the50TCQA. See Fig. 41.SEN J5-2J5-3COM1311TB1TB1 PLOAQ Sensor/RH Sensor24 VACC08275Fig. 41 -- Outdoor CO 2 Sensor ConnectionsSmoke Detector/Fire Shutdown (FSD) — This function isavailable only when PremierLink is configured for(Space) Sensor Mode. The unit is factory--wired forPremierLink FSD operation when PremierLink isfactory--installed.50TCQA