31CONNECTING REFRIGERANT PIPING (Cont.)15-10 STEPS FOR CONNECTING REFRIGERANT PIPING LINES TO INDOOR UNITConnecting suction and liquid pipinglines respectively with suction andliquid half unions of indoor unit.A. Lubricate suction and liquid piping line endand the threads of the suction and liquid halfunions of indoor unit with anti – freeze oil.This is effective for reducing gas leaks.B. For proper connection, align the centers ofsuction union pipe and flare pipe straight witheach other, then finger tighten several turnsthe flare nut tightly at first to obtain a smoothmatch.C. Then hold the union side with a double-endedwrench and tighten the flare nut by applyingthe tightening torque indicated in thefollowing table (1). Be careful not to damagethe flare nut threads.NOTE:One. Insufficient tightening torque willcause Freon leaks.Two. Over tightening the fitting willdamage the tube flaring and causeFreon leaks.15-11 STEPS FOR CONNECTING REFRIGERANT PIPING LINES TO OUTDOOR UNIT• Connecting the other ends of suction andliquid piping lines respectively with suctionand liquid flare couplings of the outdoorunit.• Repeat steps (A), (B), (C) when connectingrefrigerant piping lines to the couplings ofthe outdoor unit.(1)Fingers tightenseveral turns theflare nuts of pipingat the outdoor unitvalves.Table (1)Half UnionFlare SpannerorTorque WrenchIndoorSideTightening TorqueKg - CmFlare NutN.M Kg - cm3/8” 31-35 310-3505/8” 50-55 500-550Piping Lines(2)Tighten the flarenuts withadjustable wrenchor torque wrench.Pot only from oilrefrigerating her and herFlare nut