10The curb should be level. This is necessary for unit drain tofunction properly. Unit leveling tolerances are show in Fig. 7.Refer to Accessory Roof Curb Installation Instructions for ad-ditional information as required.Fig. 7 — Unit Leveling TolerancesInstall insulation, cant strips, roofing felt, and counter flashingas shown. Ductwork must be attached to curb and not to theunit. The accessory thru-the-base power package must be in-stalled before the unit is set on the roof curb.If electric and control wiring is to be routed through the basepan,attach the accessory thru-the-base service connections to the base-pan in accordance with the accessory installation instructions.NOTE: The gasketing of the unit to the roof curb is critical for awatertight seal. Install gasket supplied with the roof curb as shownin Fig. 6. Improperly applied gasket can also result in air leaks andpoor unit performance.SLAB MOUNT (HORIZONTAL UNITS ONLY)Provide a level concrete slab that extends a minimum of 6-in.(150 mm) beyond unit cabinet. Install a gravel apron in front ofcondenser coil air inlet to prevent grass and foliage from ob-structing airflow.NOTE: Horizontal units may be installed on a roof curb ifrequired.ALTERNATE UNIT SUPPORT (IN LIEU OF CURB ORSLAB MOUNT)A non-combustible sleeper rail can be used in the unit curbsupport area. If sleeper rails cannot be used, support the longsides of the unit with a minimum of 3 equally spaced 4-in. x4-in. (102 mm x 102 mm) pads on each side.Step 5 — Field Fabricate DuctworkCabinet return-air static pressure (a negative condition) shallnot exceed 0.35 in. wg (87 Pa) with economizer or 0.45 in. wg(112 Pa) without economizer.For vertical ducted applications, secure all ducts to roof curband building structure. Do not connect ductwork to unit.Fabricate supply ductwork so that the cross sectional dimen-sions are equal to or greater than the unit supply duct openingdimensions for the first 18-in. (458 mm) of duct length fromthe unit basepan.Ducts passing through unconditioned spaces must be insulatedand covered with a vapor barrier.If a plenum return is used on a vertical unit, the return shouldbe ducted through the roof deck to comply with applicable firecodes.FOR UNITS WITH ACCESSORY ELECTRIC HEATERSAll installations require a minimum clearance to combustiblesurfaces of 1-in. (25 mm) from duct for first 12-in. (305 mm)away from unit.Outlet grilles must not lie directly below unit discharge.NOTE: A 90-degree elbow must be provided in the ductworkto comply with UL (Underwriters Laboratories) code for usewith electric heat.Step 6 — Rig and Place UnitA-B0.5″ (13)B-C1.0″ (25)A-C1.0″ (25)MAXIMUM ALLOWABLEDIFFERENCE IN. (MM)CAUTIONPROPERTY DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in damage to roofingmaterials.Membrane roofs can be cut by sharp sheet metal edges. Becareful when placing any sheet metal parts on such roof.WARNINGPERSONAL INJURY HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could cause personal injury.For vertical supply and return units, tools or parts could dropinto ductwork and cause an injury. Install a 90 degree turn inthe return ductwork between the unit and the conditionedspace. If a 90 degree elbow cannot be installed, then a grilleof sufficient strength and density should be installed to pre-vent objects from falling into the conditioned space. Due toelectric heater, supply duct will require 90 degree elbow.CAUTIONUNIT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage.All panels must be in place when rigging. Unit is not designedfor handling by fork truck when packaging is removed.If using top crate as spreader bar, once unit is set, carefullylower wooden crate off building roof top to ground. Ensurethat no people or obstructions are below prior to lowering thecrate.