19allows the high-voltage power wires to pass through the base-pan. See Fig. 30.Fig. 30 — Thru-Base Connection FittingsCheck tightness of connector lock nuts before connecting elec-trical conduits.Field-supplied and field-installed liquid tight conduit connec-tors and conduit may be attached to the connectors on the base-pan. Pull correctly rated high voltage and low voltage throughappropriate conduits. Connect the power conduit to the internaldisconnect (if unit is so equipped) or to the external disconnect(through unit side panel). A hole must be field cut in the maincontrol box bottom on the left side so the 24-v control connec-tions can be made. Connect control power conduit to the unitcontrol box at this hole.UNITS WITHOUT THRU-BASE CONNECTIONS1. Install power wiring conduit through side panel openings.Install conduit between disconnect and control box.2. Install power lines to terminal connections as shown inFig. 20.Voltage to compressor terminals during operation must bewithin voltage range indicated on unit nameplate. On 3-phaseunits, voltages between phases must be balanced within 2%and the current within 10%. Use the formula below to deter-mine the percent of voltage imbalance. Operation on improperline voltage or excessive phase imbalance constitutes abuseand may cause damage to electrical components. Such opera-tion would invalidate any applicable Carrier warranty.Example: Supply voltage is 230-3-60Determine maximum deviation from average voltage.(AB) 227-224 = 3 v(BC) 231-227 = 4 v(AC) 227-226 = 1 vMaximum deviation is 4 v.Determine percent of voltage imbalance.This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below the maxi-mum allowable 2%.NOTE: Check all factory and field electrical connections fortightness.FIELD CONTROL WIRINGThe 50TCQ unit requires an external temperature control de-vice. This device can be a thermostat (field-supplied) or a Pre-mierLink™ controller (available as factory-installed option oras field-installed accessory, for use on a Carrier Comfort Net-work ® system or as a standalone control) or the RTU OpenController for Building Management Systems using non-CCNprotocols (RTU Open controller is available as a factory-in-stalled option only).THERMOSTATSelect a Carrier-approved accessory thermostat. When electricheat is installed in the 50TCQ unit, the thermostat must be ca-pable of energizing the G terminal (to energize the Indoor FanContactor) whenever there is a space call for heat (energizingthe W1 terminal). The accessory thermostats listed on the unitprice pages can provide this signal but they are not configuredto enable this signal as shipped.Fig. 31 — Low-Voltage ConnectionsInstall the accessory thermostat according to installation in-structions included with the accessory.Locate the thermostat accessory on a solid wall in the condi-tioned space to sense average temperature in accordance withthe thermostat installation instructions. If the thermostat con-tains a logic circuit requiring 24-v power, use a thermostat ca-ble or equivalent single leads of different colors with minimumof seven leads. If the thermostat does not require a 24-v source(no “C” connection required), use a thermostat cable or equiva-lent with minimum of six leads. Check the thermostat installa-tion instructions for additional features which might requireadditional conductors in the cable.For wire runs up to 50 ft. (15 m), use no. 18 AWG (AmericanWire Gage) insulated wire [35°C (95°F) minimum]. For 50 to75 ft. (15 to 23 m), use no. 16 AWG insulated wire [35°C(95°F) minimum]. For over 75 ft. (23 m), use no. 14 AWG in-sulated wire [35°C (95°F) minimum]. All wire sizes larger thanno. 18 AWG cannot be directly connected to the thermostat andwill require a junction box and splice at the thermostat.AB = 224 vBC = 231 vAC = 226 vAverage Voltage = (224 + 231 + 226) = 681 = 2273 3% Voltage Imbalance = 100x 4 = 1.78%227IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance is morethan 2%, contact your local electric utility companyimmediately.LOW VOLTAGECONDUITCONNECTORHIGH VOLTAGECONDUITCONNECTORA B CMOTORXCGW2CW2GW1O/B/Y2 Y2RW1RY1 Y1THERMOSTAT(Note 1)(Note 2)Note 1: Typical multi-function marking. Follow manufacturer’s configurationinstructions to select Y2. Do not configure for O output.Note 2: W2 connection not required on units without electric heating.Field WiringCentralTerminalBoardTypicalThermostatConnections