Digital Piano OperationsEN-48The settings shown below are available for recording.■ To configure recording settings1. Touch bo REC0.This enters record standby, indicated by bo REC0flashing red.2. Hold down the bo REC0 button until “[MIDIREC SETTING]” appears on the display.3. Use the bk U and bl I buttons to display theitem (“Precount”, “Metronome”, “Beat”,“PunchInMeasure”) whose setting you want tochange and then touch bm ENTER.4. Use the bk – and bl + buttons to change thesetting.5. Touch bp EXIT.• For multiple settings, repeat steps 3 through 5 abovefor each item you want to configure.6. After the setting is the way you want, touchbo REC0.Configuring Recording Settings (Pre-count,Metronome, Beat, Punch-in Measure)DisplayedSetting Description and OptionsPrecount Specifies whether or not to sound a pre-count to signal the start of recording.Off: Pre-count does not sound.Recording starts as soon as youtouch 8 START/STOP or whenyou play something on the keyboard.1 Measure / 2 Measure:A one-measure or two-measure pre-count sounds when you touch8 START/STOP or playsomething on the keyboard while inrecord standby. If you start recordingby touching 8 START/STOP,recording will start after the pre-count, along with playback of therhythm pattern. If you start by playingsomething on the keyboard,recording will start after the pre-count, without playing the rhythmpattern.Metronome Specifies whether or not the metronomeshould sound during recording.On: Metronome sounds during recording.Off: Metronome does not sound duringrecording.Beat Specifies the metronome beat duringrecording.0: 1 beat. While the metronome issounding during recording, all beatsare a click sound.1: 1 beat. While the metronome issounding during recording, all beatsare a bell sound.2 to 9: 2 beats to 9 beats. Specifies thenumber of beats per measure.While the metronome is soundingduring recording, the first beat ofeach measure is a bell soundwhile all remaining beats in themeasure are a click sound.PunchInMeasure Specifies from which measure playbackshould start when performing punch-inrecording (page EN-47). For example, ifyou want to re-record from measure 28,you could start playback from measure24. That way you would need to listen toonly four measures of recording beforestarting the punch-in operation.You can specify a measure number inthe range of 001 (beginning of the song)to 999 (the maximum number ofmeasures allowed in a song).DisplayedSetting Description and Options