200702012-6 Complex Number CalculationsYou can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, parentheses calculations,function calculations, and memory calculations with complex numbers just as you do with themanual calculations described on pages 2-1-1 and 2-4-7.You can select the complex number calculation mode by changing the Complex Mode itemon the Setup screen to one of the following settings.• {Real} ... Calculation in the real number range only*1• {a+ bi} ... Performs complex number calculation and displays results in rectangular form• {r∠Ƨ} ... Performs complex number calculation and displays results in polar form*2Press K3(CPLX) to display the complex calculation number menu, which contains thefollowing items.• {i} ... {imaginary unit i input}• {Abs}/{Arg} ... obtains {absolute value}/{argument}• {Conj} ... {obtains conjugate}• {ReP}/{ImP} ... {real}/{imaginary} part extraction• {'r∠Ƨ}/{'a+bi} ... converts the result to {polar}/{rectangular} form2-6-1Complex Number Calculations*1 When there is an imaginary number inthe argument, however, complex numbercalculation is performed and the result isdisplayed using rectangular form.Examples:ln 2i = 0.6931471806 + 1.570796327iln 2i + ln (– 2) = (Non-Real ERROR)*2 The display range of Ƨ depends on the angleunit set for the Angle item on the Setupscreen.• Deg ... –180 < Ƨ < 180• Rad ... – π < Ƨ < π• Gra ... –200 < Ƨ < 200# Solutions obtained by the Real, a+b i andr∠Ƨ modes are different for power root (xy)calculations when x < 0 and y = m/n when n isan odd number.Example:3x' (– 8) = – 2 (Real)= 1 + 1.732050808i (a+ b i)= 2∠60 (r ∠Ƨ)# To input the “ ∠ ” operator into the polarcoordinate expression ( r ∠Ƨ), press !v.