20070201u Background (graph display background)• {None}/{PICT}... {no background}/{graph background picture specification}u Sketch Line (overlaid line type)• { }/{ }/{ }/{ }... {normal}/{thick}/{broken}/{dot}u Dynamic Type (dynamic graph type)• {Cnt}/{Stop}... {non-stop (continuous)}/{automatic stop after 10 draws}u Locus (dynamic graph locus mode)• {On}/{Off}... {locus drawn}/{locus not drawn}u Y=Draw Speed (dynamic graph draw speed)• {Norm}/{High}... {normal}/{high-speed}u Variable (table generation and graph draw settings)• {RANG}/{LIST}... {use table range}/{use list data}u Σ Display ( Σ value display in recursion table)• {On}/{Off}... {display on}/{display off}u Slope (display of derivative at current pointer location in conic sectiongraph)• {On}/{Off}... {display on}/{display off}u Payment (payment period setting)• {BGN}/{END}... {beginning}/{end} setting of payment period1-8-4Using the Setup Screen