20070201u To batch input a series of values1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to another list.2. Press !*( { ), and then input the values you want, pressing , between each one.Press !/( } ) after inputting the fi nal value.!*( { )g,h,i!/( } )3. Press w to store all of the values in your list.wYou can also use list names inside of a mathematical expression to input values into anothercell. The following example shows how to add the values in each row in List 1 and List 2, andinput the result into List 3.1. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the name of the list where you want thecalculation results to be input.2. Press K and input the expression.K1(LIST)1(List)b+K1(LIST)1(List)cw3-1-2Inputting and Editing a List# You can also use !b(List) in place ofK1(LIST)1(List).# Remember that a comma separates values, soyou should not input a comma after the fi nal valueof the set you are inputting.Right: {34, 53, 78}Wrong: {34, 53, 78,}