20070201u To add two rows (Row+)Example 4 To add Row 2 to Row 3 of the matrix in Example 1The following is the syntax to use for this program.Row+ A, 2, 3_the row number to be added tothe row number to be addedMatrix nameMat AExecuting this program produces the following result.k Using Graph Functions in a ProgramYou can incorporate graph functions into a program to draw complex graphs and to overlaygraphs on top of each other. The following shows various types of syntax you need to usewhen programming with graph functions.• View WindowView Window –5, 5, 1, –5, 5, 1_• Graph function inputY = Type_ ................... Specifi es graph type.”X2 – 3” → Y1_• Graph draw operationDrawGraph_Example Program1 ClrGraph_ 1 !J612J2 View Window –10, 10, 2, –120, 150, 50_ 2 !31J3 Y = Type_ 3 4431”X^4–X^3–24X 2 + 4X + 80” @ Y1_ 4 J41JJ45 G SelOn 1_ 5 4411J6 BrokenThickG 1_ 6 437 DrawGraph 7 !J622Executing this program produces the resultshown here.8-6-3Using Calculator Functions in Programs