20070201u To store a functionExample To store the function (A+B) (A–B) as function memory number 1(av(A)+al(B))(av(A)-al(B))K6(g)6(g)3(FMEM)1(STO)bwJJJu To recall a functionExample To recall the contents of function memory number 1K6(g)6(g)3(FMEM)2(RCL)bwu To recall a function as a variabledaav(A)wbaal(B)wK6(g)6(g)3(FMEM)3(fn)b+cwu To display a list of available functionsK6(g)6(g)3(FMEM)4(SEE)2-2-3Special Functions# If the function memory number to which youstore a function already contains a function, theprevious function is replaced with the new one.# The recalled function appears at the currentlocation of the cursor on the display.