Guide to Network EnvironmentNetwork Setup -Please configure the IP Camera at theinstallation site. You must determine yournetwork scenario in order to configure the IPCamera with the proper TCP/IP settings.This tutorial will guide you through theprocess. Before actually configuring the IPCamera, determine settings to be applied.Record those settings to be used to configureyour IP Camera for reference.When configuring your IP Camera, treat theIP Camera as another PC on your network.You will assign it several addresses and otherTCP/IP properties to match your currentnetwork.This step-by-step tutorial will teach what IPaddresses and network configurations shouldbe assigned based on the network scenario.If you were not given any IP addresses or the ISP was responsiblefor the setup and installation of your Internet connection, go tostep 2.If you are not using a router on your network, your ‘Current TCP/IPSettings’ (from the previous section) and ‘Assigned IP Addressesfrom My ISP’ will be exactly the same.Before you begin, locate any information and settingsreceived from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). You mayneed to refer to these IP addresses at a later time during theconfiguration.1.You must determine whether the IP address is STATIC orDYNAMIC. At this moment, you are only concerned about theISP. Did they provide you with a STATIC or DYNAMIC address?If you are unsure, contact your ISP.Configure your IP Camera’s TCP/IP settings for networkconnectivity by selecting Setup from the main interface andselecting TCP/IP located on the left of the Setup screen.If prompted for ID and Password, use ‘admin’ for both entries.The default web port number is 80. If port 80 is blocked bythe ISP, a value between 1025 ~ 60000 should be used. If TCPport 80 is blocked, consult the ISP2.3.4.Current TCP/IP SettingsIP AddressSubnet MaskDefault GatewayPrimary DNS ServerSecondary DNS Server (Option)Static Dynamic5. The following descriptions are several basic networkscenarios. Determine which scenario describes your network.If your network does not match one of the scenarios belowand you are unsure how to setup your IP Camera, contactyour network administrator and then call our Support Center.You cannot control the rectangular gray areas and only the ISPhas access to the devices.