Setup Case A, BNetwork Setup -Case A:Dynamic IP +Personal Router [Most SOHO]Personal RouterW/Intergrated SwitchCable/xDSL Modem(ISP Provided)Phone Lineor CATVPCInternetCase B:Static(Fixed) IP +PCPersonal RouterW/Intergrated SwitchGateway or Routerat ISPPublic LineInternetas follows :STATIC (even though you have Dynamic IP fromyour ISP, use STATIC on the IP Camera)Network Type :1.A private IP address such as192.168.0.200 (Example)Internet Address :2.You need to assign an IP address to the IP Camera just as you dowith PC.The IP address you assign must be unique to your network andmatch your network as well. For information on how to choosea unique IP and match your network, read the FAQ.The IP address you assign must be a private IP. For informationon how to choose a private IP please, read the FAQ. (Example) (Example)Subnet Mask :3.You must use the same subnet mask as the one you noted under‘Current TCP/IP Settings’.Default Gateway :4.This IP address must be the IP address of your router.(private or LAN side)Use the same Default Gateway you noted under ‘Current TCP/IPSettings’.Use the 1st DNS Server from ‘Assigned IPAddress from My ISP’.Preferred DNS Server :5.Use the DDNS server.DDNS Server :6.This is the same site you will register later to accommodatedynamic IP from your ISP.8888Web Port :7.Do not use the default port 80 as this number must be changed.You may select any number between 1025 ~ 60000.If you did not receive any IP addresses from your ISP, contactthe ISP and acquire the IP address of their DNS server.CameraCamera