Installation manual21 EKHBRD011~016ADV1+Y1Indoor unit for air to water heat pump system4P402191-1A – 2015.04In the following tables both methods on how to interpret the scheduletimer are shown.Operation example: Schedule timer based on temperature setpoints.When setback function is enabled, the setback operation will havepriority over the scheduled action in the schedule timer.Operation example: Schedule timer based on ON/OFF instruction.When setback function is enabled, the setback operation will havepriority over the scheduled action in the schedule timer if ONinstruction is active. If OFF instruction is active this will have priorityover the setback function. At any time the OFF instruction will havethe highest priority.Method 1[0-03]=1 (default) Space heating based on temperature set point(a)(a) For leaving water temperature and/or room temperatureDuring operation During schedule timer operation the operation LED is litcontinuously.When pushingthe buttonThe schedule timer for space heating will stop and willnot start again.The controller will be switched off (operation LED willstop working).However, the schedule timer icon will stay displayedwhich means that the domestic water heating staysenabled.When pushingthe / buttonThe schedule timer for space heating and domesticwater heating along with the quiet mode will be stoppedand will not start again.The schedule timer icon will not be displayed anymore.1 Schedule timer2 Setback function3 When both setback function and schedule timer are enabledA Setback functiont TimeT Temperature set pointRoom temperatureLeaving water temperatureTt6:30 9:0016:00 0:301919°C 1919°C 1919°C2222°C2121°C6262°C 6262°C 6262°C6565°C6464°C62°C19°C 19°C 19°C22°C21°C62°C 62°C65°C64°C0:301Tt1818°C5757°C57°C18°CA 5:005:0023:0023:00 5:0023:002Tt5:00 9:0016:00 23:001919°C1818°C1919°C2222°C2121°C6262°C6060°C6262°C6565°C6464°C60°C19°C18°C19°C22°C21°C62°C 62°C1919°C6262°C19°C62°C1919°C6262°C19°C62°C1919°C6262°C19°C62°C65°C64°C6:3035757°C57°C6060°C60°CMethod 2[0-03]=0 Space heating based on ON/OFF instructionDuring operation When the schedule timer switches space heating OFF,the controller will be switched off (operation LED will stopworking). Note that this has no influence on the domesticwater heating.When pushingthe buttonThe schedule timer for space heating will stop (whenactive at that moment) and will start again at the nextscheduled ON function.The "last" programmed command overrules the"preceding" programmed command and will remainactive until the "next" programmed command occurs.Example: imagine the actual time is 17:30 and actionsare programmed at 13:00, 16:00 and 19:00. The "last"programmed command (16:00) overruled the"previous" programmed command (13:00) and willremain active until the "next" programmed command(19:00) occurs.So in order to know the actual setting, one should consultthe last programmed command. It is clear that the "last"programmed command may date from the day before.Refer to the operation manual.The controller will be switched off (operation LED willstop working).However the schedule timer icon will stay displayedwhich means that the domestic heating stays enabled.When pushingthe / buttonThe schedule timer for space heating and domesticwater heating along with the quiet mode will be stoppedand will not start again.The schedule timer icon will not be displayed anymore.1 Schedule timer2 Setback function3 When both setback function and schedule timer are enabledA Setback functionB ON/OFF instructiont TimeT Temperature set pointRoom temperatureLeaving water temperaturet1818°C6060°C60°C18°CA 5:005:0023:0023:00 5:0023:002Bt9:0016:001919°C 1919°C2222°C2121°C6262°C 6262°C6565°C6464°C19°C 19°C22°C21°C62°C 62°C65°C64°C1OFF ONON6:300:30Bt6:30 9:0016:00 23:001919°C 1919°C2222°C2121°C6262°C 6262°C6565°C6464°C19°C 19°C22°C21°C62°C 62°C65°C64°C3OFF ONON1818°C6060°C60°C18°C