Installation manual33 EKHBRD011~016ADV1+Y1Indoor unit for air to water heat pump system4P402191-1A – 2015.049 Automatic temperature compensation00 Leaving water temperature compensation value 0 –2~2 0.2 °C01 Domestic hot water tank compensation value 0 –5~5 0.5 °C02 Thermo ON/OFF admission 0 –5~5 0.5 °CA Option setup00 Current limitation. 0 0~2 1 —01 Not applicable. Do not change the default value. 0 0~2 1 —02 Set point: required temperature difference forleaving and returning water 10 5~15 1 °C03 Set point: multiple set point 1 required temperaturevalue 35 25~80 1 °C04 Set point: multiple set point 2 required temperaturevalue 65 25~80 1 °Cb Domestic hot water set points00 Set point: reheat minimum temperature 35 35~65 1 °C01 Set point: reheat maximum temperature 45 35~75 1 °C02 Status: weather dependent domestic waterheating 1 (ON) 0/1 — —03 Set point: storage temperature 70 45~75 1 °C04 Automatic maximum domestic hot water storagetemperature 70 55~75 1 °CC Leaving water temperature limits00 Set point: leaving water maximum temperature 80 37~80 1 °C01 Set point: leaving water minimum temperature 25 25~37 1 °C02 Not applicable. Do not change the default value. 20 18~22 1 °C03 Not applicable. Do not change the default value. 5 5~18 1 °Cd Domestic water heating retention times00 Set point: minimum time for domestic waterheating 10 5~20 1 —01 Set point: maximum time for domestic waterheating 30 10~60 5 —02 Set point: interval minimum stop time of domesticwater heating 15 5~30 5 —E Service mode00 Vacuum mode 0 0/1 — —01 Not applicable. Do not change the default value. 0 (OFF) 0/1 — —02 Not applicable. Do not change the default value. 0 (OFF) 0/1 — —03 Not applicable. Do not change the default value. 1 0~2 1 —04 Pump only operation 0 0~2 1 —FirstcodeSecondcode Setting nameInstaller setting at variance with default valueDefaultvalue Range Step UnitDate Value Date Value