EKHBRD011~016ADV1+Y1Indoor unit for air to water heat pump system4P402191-1A – 2015.04Installation manual22[1] Automatic storage timing for domestic water heatingIn this mode, the indoor unit will deliver hot water to the domestic hotwater tank based on the daily fixed pattern. This mode will continueuntil storage temperature is reached.Automatic storage is the advised domestic hot water mode. In thismode water heats up during the night (when space heatingrequirements are lower) until the storage set point. The heated wateris stored in the domestic hot water tank at a higher temperature so itcan fulfil the domestic hot water requirements throughout the day.The storage temperature set point and timing are field settings. [1-00] Status: defines whether the domestic water heating(storage mode) during night is enabled (1) or not (0). [1-01] Start time: time of the night at which the domestic watershould be heated. [1-02] Status: defines whether the domestic water heating(storage mode) during daytime is enabled (1) or not (0). [1-03] Start time: time of the day at which the domestic watershould be heated.Refer to "[b] Domestic hot water set points" on page 25 fortemperature set points.[2] Automatic setback functionSetback function provides the possibility to lower the roomtemperature. The setback function can for instance be activatedduring the night because the temperature demands during night andday are not the same. [2-00] Status: defines whether the setback function is turned ON(1) or OFF (0) [2-01] Start time: time at which setback is started [2-02] Stop time: time at which setback is stoppedSetback can be configured for both room temperature control andleaving water temperature control.It is advised to set the start time of automatic storage during night[1-01] on the moment that the setback function starts [2-01].Refer to "[5] Automatic setback and disinfection set point" on page 23for temperature set points.[3] Weather dependent set pointWhen weather dependent operation is active, the leaving watertemperature is determined automatically depending on the outdoortemperature: colder outdoor temperatures will result in warmer waterand vice versa. The unit has a floating set point. Activating thisoperation will result in a lower power consumption than use with amanually fixed leaving water set point.During weather dependent operation, the user has the possibility toshift up or down the target water temperature by a maximum of 5°C.This " " is the temperature difference between thetemperature set point calculated by the controller and the real setpoint. E.g. a positive shift value means that the real temperature setpoint will be higher than the calculated set point.It is advised to use the weather dependent set point because itadjusts the water temperature to the actual needs for space heating.It will prevent the unit from switching too much between thermo ONoperation and thermo OFF operation when using the remotecontroller room thermostat or external room thermostat.NOTE Make sure the domestic hot water is only heated upto the domestic hot water temperature you require.Start with a low domestic hot water storagetemperature set point, and only increase if youfeel that the domestic hot water supplytemperature is not sufficient for your needs (thisdepends on your water using pattern). Make sure the domestic hot water is not heatedunnecessary. Start with activating automaticstorage during night (default setting). If it seemsthat the domestic hot water night storageoperation is not sufficient for your needs, anadditional storage during daytime can be set. For energy-saving purposes, it is advised toenable the weather dependent domestic waterheating. Refer to setting "[b-02]" on page 25. To activate the domestic hot water mode pressthe button, the icon should be displayed.NOTE By default the setback function is enabled. The setback function can be combined with theautomatic weather dependent set point operation. Setback function is an automatic daily scheduledfunction.A Normal room temperature set pointt TimeT TemperatureA Normal leaving water temperature set pointB Leaving water setback temperaturet TimeT TemperatureTt Target water temperatureTA Ambient (outdoor) temperature= Shift value[2-01] [2-02]ATt21°C[5-03] 18°C[2-01] [2-02]BATt65°C60°C5°C [5-02]Lo_TiLo_A Hi_A TATt+ 0500– 05Hi_Ti Shift value