Installation manual27 EKHBRD011~016ADV1+Y1Indoor unit for air to water heat pump system4P402191-1A – 2015.04External room thermostatWhen the reheat temperature is reached, the further heat up of thedomestic hot water tank will be decided by the external roomthermostat thermo conditions and running timers which areprogrammed by the installer.1 Reheat operationWhen requesting space heating and domestic water heating(reheat) at the same time, the domestic water will be heated tillmaximum reheat temperature, then space heating will startagain.2 Storage operationWhen requesting space heating and domestic water heating(storage) at the same time, domestic water will be heatedaccording to running timer, then space heating will start againaccording to running timer, then domestic water heating will startagain according to running timer, this will continue till storage setpoint is reached.A OperationSpace heatingDomestic water heatingB Domestic hot water reheat thermo-on requestC Domestic hot water tank temperatureD Room temperature thermo-on requestE Remote controller room temperatureF Domestic hot water lower limit temperatureG Domestic hot water upper limit temperature(maximum possible storage temperature) [b-03]H Domestic hot water reheat minimum temperature [b-00]J Domestic hot water reheat maximum temperature [b-01]K External room thermostat set pointL External room thermostat ON/OFF hysteresisON ONOFF OFFABCHJL75°C35°C–X°C+X°CONGFOFFDEONOFFKKA OperationSpace heatingDomestic water heatingB Domestic hot water storage thermo-on requestC Domestic hot water tank temperatureD Room temperature thermo-on requestE Remote controller room temperatureF Domestic hot water lower limit temperatureG Domestic hot water upper limit temperature(maximum possible storage temperature) [b-03]H Domestic hot water reheat minimum temperature [b-00]J Domestic hot water reheat maximum temperature [b-01]K External room thermostat set pointL External room thermostat ON/OFF hysteresisON ONOFF OFF1 Minimum operation time for domestic water heating(initial 30 minutes [d-01])2 Interval minimum stop time for domestic water heating(initial 15 minutes [d-02])3 Maximum operation time for domestic water heating(initial 30 minutes [d-01])ABCHJK75°C35°C–X°C+X°CONGFOFFDEONOFF123K L