The difference between the reference power at fixed speed and the actual power yielded with speed control represent theactual saving.As value for the fixed speed case, the rated motor size (kW) is multiplied with a factor (set in %) representing the powerproduced at fixed speed. The difference between this reference power and the actual power is accumulated and stored. Thedifference in energy can be read in parameter 23-83 Energy Savings.The accumulated value for the difference in power consumption is multiplied with the energy cost in local currency and theinvestment is subtracted. This calculation for cost savings can also be read in parameter 23-84 Cost Savings.Cost Savings =∑t = 0t Rated Motor Power ∗ Power Reference Factor− Actual Power Consumption × Energy Cost− Investment CostBreak even (payback) occurs when the value read in the parameter turns from negative to positive.It is not possible to reset the energy savings counter, but the counter can be stopped any time by settingparameter 23-80 Power Reference Factor to 0.Parameter for settings Parameters for readoutRated motor power Parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW] Energy savings Parameter 23-83 Energy SavingsPower reference factor in % Parameter 23-80 Power ReferenceFactorActual power Parameter 16-10 Power [kW],parameter 16-11 Power [hp]Energy cost per kWh Parameter 23-81 Energy Cost Cost savings Parameter 23-84 Cost SavingsInvestment Parameter 23-82 InvestmentTable 3.26 Parameter Overview23-80 Power Reference FactorRange: Function:100%*[0 -100 %]Set the percentage of the rated motor size (setin parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW] orparameter 1-21 Motor Power [HP]), which shouldrepresent the average power yielded at the timerunning with fixed speed (before upgrade withvariable speed control).Must be set to a value different from zero tostart counting.23-81 Energy CostRange: Function:1* [0 - 999999.99 ] Set the actual cost for a kWh in localcurrency. If the energy cost is changedlater on, it impacts the calculation for theentire period.23-82 InvestmentRange: Function:0* [0 -999999999 ]Set the value of the investment spent onupgrading the plant with speed control, insame currency as used inparameter 23-81 Energy Cost.23-83 Energy SavingsRange: Function:0 kWh* [0 - 0kWh]This parameter allows a readout of theaccumulated difference between the referencepower and the actual output power.If motor size is set in hp(parameter 1-21 Motor Power [HP]), theequivalent kW value is used for the energysavings.23-84 Cost SavingsRange: Function:0* [0 - 2147483647 ] This parameter allows a readout of thecalculation based on the above equation(in local currency).Parameter Descriptions Programming GuideMG11CE02 Danfoss A/S © 03/2015 All rights reserved. 1833 3