0-11 Programming Set-upOption: Function:Select the set-up to be edited (that isprogrammed) during operation; either theactive set-up or 1 of the inactive set-ups. Theset-up number being edited is displayed in theLCP in brackets.[0] FactorysetupCannot be edited, but it is useful as a datasource to return the other set-ups to a knownstate.[1] Set-up 1 [1] Set-up 1 to [4] Set-up 4 can be edited freelyduring operation, independently of the activeset-up.[2] Set-up 2[3] Set-up 3[4] Set-up 4[9] * Active Set-up(I.e. the set-up in which the frequencyconverter is operating) can also be editedduring operation. Editing parameters in theselected set-up would normally be done fromthe LCP, but it is also possible from any of theserial communication ports.0-12 This Set-up Linked toOption: Function:This parameter only needs to be programmed ifchanging set-ups is required while the motor isrunning. It ensures that parameters which are‘not changeable during operation’ have the samesetting in all relevant set-ups.To enable conflict-free changes from 1 set-up toanother while the frequency converter isrunning, link set-ups containing parameterswhich are not changeable during operation.The link ensures synchronising of the notchangeable during operation parameter valueswhen moving from 1 set-up to another duringoperation. Not changeable during operationparameters can be identified by the label FALSEin the parameter lists in chapter 5 ParameterLists.The parameter 0-12 This Set-up Linked to featureis used when [9] Multi set-up inparameter 0-10 Active Set-up is selected. [9] Multiset-up can be used to move from 1 set-up toanother during operation while the motor runs.xample:Use [9] Multi set-up to shift from set-up 1 to set-up 2 while the motor runs. Programmeparameters in set-up 1 first, then ensure thatset-up 1 and set-up 2 are synchronised (orlinked). Synchronisation can be performed in 2ways:0-12 This Set-up Linked toOption: Function:• Change the edit set-up to [2] Set-up 2in parameter 0-11 Programming Set-upand set parameter 0-12 This Set-upLinked to to [1] Set-up 1. This starts thelinking (synchronising) process.130BP075.100-12 This Set-up Linked to0 RPM 0.00A 1(1)Set-up Handling 0-1*[1] Setup 1Illustration 3.1 Set-up HandlingOR• While still in set-up 1, usingparameter 0-50 LCP Copy, copy set-up1 to set-up 2. Then setparameter 0-12 This Set-up Linked to to[2] Set-up 2. This starts the linkingprocess.130BP076.100-12 This Set-up Linked to0 RPM 0.00A 1(1)Set-up Handling 0-1*[2] Setup 2Illustration 3.2 Set-up HandlingAfter the link is complete,parameter 0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups readsset-ups 1 and 2 to indicate that all notchangeable during operation parameters are nowthe same in set-up 1 and set-up 2. If there arechanges to a not changeable during operationparameter, for example parameter 1-30 StatorResistance (Rs), in set-up 2, they are alsochanged automatically in set-up 1. A switchbetween set-up 1 and set-up 2 duringoperation is now possible.[0] * Not linked[1] Set-up 1[2] Set-up 2[3] Set-up 3[4] Set-up 4Parameter Descriptions Programming GuideMG11CE02 Danfoss A/S © 03/2015 All rights reserved. 273 3