141LocallyFollow these steps to locally boot the server to the service partition:1. Restart the managed server.2. Monitor the boot process and press when prompted to enter BIOS setup.3. Arrow to the System Management menu, and select Enabled for the Service Boot option.4. Press to save the setting and exit out of the BIOS setup. The system automaticallyreboots to the Service Partition.Console RedirectionThe BIOS supports redirection of video output and keyboard input via serial link. This sectiondetails the serial redirection scheme. For redirection over LAN (Serial over LAN or SOL), see theonline help available in ISM.When console redirection is enabled, local (host server) keyboard input and video output are passedboth to the local keyboard and video connections, and to the remote console via the serial link.Keyboard inputs from both sources are considered valid and video is displayed to both outputs.With console redirection, you can operate the server system without having a keyboard or monitorattached to it. Setup and any other text-based utilities can be accessed via console redirection.Note that serial redirection uses PC-ANSI and the UART settings assume 1 stop bit.OperationWhen redirecting through a modem, as opposed to a null modem cable, the modem needs to beconfigured as follows:• Auto-answer (for example, ATS0=2, to answer after two rings).• Modem reaction to DTR set to return to command state (such as AT&D1). Failure to providethe modem reaction results in the modem either dropping the link when the server reboots (asin AT&D0) or becoming unresponsive to server baud rate changes (as in AT&D2).• The Setup/EMP option for handshaking must be set to CTS/RTS + CD for optimumperformance. The CD refers to carrier detect. If the EMP is sharing the COM port with serialredirection, the handshaking must be set to CTS/RTS+ CD. In selecting this form ofhandshaking, the server is prevented from sending video updates to a modem that is notconnected to a remote modem. If this is not selected, video update data being sent to themodem inhibits many modems from answering an incoming call. An EMP option utilizing CDshould not be used if a modem is not used and the CD is not connected.Once console redirection is selected via Setup, redirection binary is loaded into memory andactivated during POST. While redirection cannot be removed without rebooting, it can be inhibitedand restarted.