93LAN Alert ConfigurationThe LAN Alert Configuration screen is displayed when you click Next from the LAN ChannelConfiguration screen. The LAN Alert Configuration screen shows all configured destination IPaddresses for LAN alerts and their associated settings. If no IP addresses are configured as alertdestinations, the Edit and Delete buttons are disabled.Figure 27. LAN Alert ConfigurationAfter completing this screen, click Next to move to the next screen to continue this subtask.Enable LAN AlertingThis check box is used to enable or disable alerts on the LAN channel.SNMP Community StringThis edit box is used to enter a string for Platform Event Traps (PETs). This field can optionally beused for a vendor-specific string that is used to provide the network name identity of the systemthat generated the event. This string is restricted to a maximum of 18 bytes and it is typically set topublic. This string can be null.