108 About Your SystemMemoryInitializationWarning: Memorysize may bereducedInvalid configuration. Thesystem will run but withless memory than isphysically installed.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in avalid configuration. See"System Memory" onpage 159.Unsupported memoryconfiguration.DIMM mismatchacross slotsdetected:Invalid memoryconfiguration. DIMMs aremismatched in thespecified slots.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in avalid configuration. See"System Memory" onpage 159.Unsupported DIMMdetected. Thefollowing DIMM hasbeen disabled:Invalid memoryconfiguration. The systemwill run but with thespecified DIMM disabled.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in avalid configuration. See"System Memory" onpage 159.DIMM configurationon each CPU shouldmatchInvalid memoryconfiguration on a dual-processor system. TheDIMM configuration foreach processor must beidentical.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in avalid configuration. See"System Memory" onpage 159.Maximum rank countexceeded. Thefollowing DIMM hasbeen disabled:Invalid memoryconfiguration. The systemwill run but with thespecified DIMM disabled.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in avalid configuration. See"System Memory" onpage 159.Table 1-26. Blade Messages(continued)Message Causes Corrective Actions