About Your System 93LCD Status MessagesThe following LCD messages refer to events recorded in the System EventLog (SEL). (The messages are shown here in "simple" text format.) Forinformation on the SEL and configuring system management settings, seethe systems management software documentation.NOTE: If your system fails to boot, press the System ID button for at least fiveseconds until an error code appears on the LCD. Record the code, then see "GettingHelp" on page 337.Viewing Status MessagesIf a system error code occurs, the LCD screen turns amber. Press the center(selection) button to view the list of errors or status messages. Use the arrowkeys to highlight an error number, and press the center button to view theerror.Removing LCD Status MessagesFor faults associated with sensors, such as temperature, voltage, fans, and soon, the LCD message is automatically removed when that sensor returns to anormal state. For other faults, you must take action to remove the messagefrom the LCD display:• Clear the SEL — You can perform this task remotely, but you may lose theevent history for the system.• Power cycle — Turn off the system and disconnect it from the electricaloutlet; wait approximately ten seconds, reconnect the power cable, andrestart the system.To resolve the problem, refer to the corrective actions in the following table.Table 1-25. LCD Status MessagesCode Text Cause Corrective ActionsE1000 Failsafevoltageerror.Contactsupport.Check the system event logfor critical failure events.Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds orclear the SEL.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 337.