32 Solving ProblemsCD and DVD drive problemsNOTE: High-speed CD or DVD drive vibration is normal and may cause noise, which does not indicate a defect inthe drive or the CD or DVD.NOTE: Because of different regions worldwide and different disc formats, not all DVD titles work in all DVD drives.Problems writing to a CD/DVD-RW driveEN S U R E T H A T MI C R O S O F T ® WI N D O W S ® R E C O G N I Z E S T H E D R I V E — Click the Start button andclick My Computer. If the floppy, CD, or DVD drive, is not listed, perform a full scan with yourantivirus software to check for and remove viruses. Viruses can sometimes prevent Windows fromrecognizing the drive.TE S T T H E D R I V E —• Insert another floppy disk, CD, or DVD to eliminate the possibility that the original one is defective.• Insert a bootable floppy disk and restart the computer.CL E A N T H E D R I V E O R D I S K — See "Cleaning Your Computer" on page 118.CH E C K T H E C A B L E C O N N E C T I O N SRU N T H E HA R D W A R E TR O U B L E S H O O T E R — See "Resolving Software and Hardware Incompatibilities"on page 53.RU N T H E DE L L DI A G N O S T I C S — See "Dell Diagnostics" on page 49.AD J U S T T H E WI N D O W S V O L U M E C O N T R O L —• Click the speaker icon in the lower-right corner of your screen.• Ensure that the volume is turned up by clicking the slidebar and dragging it up.• Ensure that the sound is not muted by clicking any boxes that are checked.CH E C K T H E S P E A K E R S A N D S U B W O O F E R — See "Sound and Speaker Problems" on page 43.CL O S E O T H E R P R O G R A M S — The CD/DVD-RW drive must receive a steady stream of data whenwriting. If the stream is interrupted, an error occurs. Try closing all programs before you write to theCD/DVD-RW.